Chapter 7: Why Do You Always Look Sexy?

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A/N: It's very rare for me to put a/n in the first stanza of this story so it means it's a warning part lol. Ima put the smutt now because I can't take it off my mind. For all those Katsudeku fans out there, Im sorry. Here we go.......tan tan tan tan


The morning was already dawning and the blinding rays of the sun barely got inside the dark room of Izuku Midoriya. His heavy dark curtains didn't allow any light to pass. But he was waking up. As if he already had a clock inside him that automatically wakes him up when it was 5:00.

His phone was ringing beside the lampshade. He stretched his hand reaching for the phone. He looked at the screen before answering.

It was his manager, Shinsuo. "Hai. Moshi-moshi" he said in a tired tone. "Izuku your talk show got cancelled. Your free for today. But be ready if something comes up." he sternly uttered. "Okay. What am I supposed to do today?" he mumbled. He was talking to himself but it seems he muttered it out loud.

Shinsuo sighed at the other end of the line. He knew Izuku was mumbling his thoughts out loud. "Then have a date with Katsuki. You know its about time you reciprocate the feelings." he said.

"Ehh there's no way he likes me. To him I'm just a nerd. He only stays by my side because we're friends." Izuku was blushing beet red by now, after hearing those words from his manager. He couldn't hide the slight happiness he felt at what he said. After all he longed to be with him. But after the encounter with Shouto, his feelings got confused. Like it was mixed up. He don't know what to do he was confused.

"Poor Katsuki. Your too innocent and blind to even see it Izuku. Please just once be honest of your feelings. Open your eyes. Katsuki was trying hard to express his so try to do the same." Shinsuo scolded him. He was like a father to him he couldn't help it.

"I don't know I'm confused right now. After meeting my ex. It seems I still haven't got over him." His tone was stressed out. "You know try to fixed things up with you and Shouto. You wouldn't know what your feelings are if you didn't confirm it. Be a man Izuku. Oh yeah right. Go girl!!!" he snickered mockingly. He heard Izuku grunts at his tone.

"I hate to admit but your right. Damn right. Got to go grandpa." this time he was teasing Shinsuo. Shinsuo heard it right he was called an old man. "I AM NOT AN OLD MAN YET. IM ONLY IN MY THIRTY'S FOR PETE'S SAKE. YOU BRAT!!!" He yelled at Izuku. "Bye Grandpa." he ended the call before he could protest any furthermore.

"Ah what a day. Another dayoff. I should call Kachan today. Im going to do what he said." He started to fiddle with his phone as he reluctantly press the screen, whether to call or no to call Katsuki.

After three rings Katsuki picked up. "Hi uhm.... Kachan are you going to do anything? I was hoping to uhm ah...if you could come over. We could watch movies or play games. If you dont mind." he nervously stated. He heard a loud 'tsk' at the end of the line then a loud crash. "Ah maybe I called at the wrong time sorry. I'll hang up. Bye." But before he could hung up Katsuki immediately spoke. "Shirty nerd don't jump to conclusions so suddenly. I'm kinda busy right now but I'll come at 3:00 pm. I'm really sorry if I can't come early. As soon as I finished some matters here I'll come straight to you." Then he hung up. He knew Izuku would object to his idea. He would be too concerned about disturbing him that he will apologize again and again. Even if he said it was okay so he got the habit of hanging up on him. Poor Izuku though. His innocence never falters to make Katsuki Bakugo melt and kneel down before him.

So he got up and take a bath. He cooked breakfast after changing into a green hooded sweatshirt and black jogging pants. Izuku likes bacon and melted Parmesan cheese at the top of his wheat bread. He had his usual coffee. Afterwards he went on general cleaning and folding his dry clothes. He sat comfortably in the living room after finishing all the tasks. As he relaxed on the nice bouncy soft couch, he didn't realized he fell asleep.

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