Chapter 16: A Little Shinsuo Ship For All Of You II

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After the hot bath scene, Izuku head first in their room. Shinsuo was left behind when the two boys decided to go back too. Izuku cleaned their room, fixing his futon and Shinsuo's as well. He took a beer from the vending machine outside their room. He tried pouring it in one go but he couldn't. Coughing as the foam got in his throat.

The door slides open and it reveals the sleep deprived manager. His baggy eyes looked at Izuku mockingly as he snickered at him. 'What is he up to now?' Izuku thought annoyed.

"Cheers!!!" yelled Shinsuo.

He also had a can of beer and a couple more tucked at his side. Putting them down as he dried of his lavender hair. He also had a towel hanging in his neck and his bare chest totally exposed. It compliments his amethyst colored eyes. (A/N: I dunno the color, I forgotten. Correct me if Shinsuo's eyes are purple.) His sharp eyes that matches of that a hawk. The way it looks at Izuku awhile ago was like a predator stalking its prey. Izuku gulped down his remaining beer. 'Tok' Something hit his head. "Ouch!" A beer hit Izuku's head. "Another round." Shinsuo smiled.

"You don't have to throw it in my head. I have hands bitch!" Izuku snorted. Shinsuo just laughed. He know how to ticked off the green head. "God, could you wear something else. Your not a sex God you idiot. Stop walking around half naked." Izuku growled.

"Stop making fun of me." Izuku opened the can. This time he gulped it down in one go. Shinsuo came out of the room. A mischievous plan in mind. He returned a few minutes with 8 more cans in both hands. To his surprise, Izuku already finished 5 cans of beer. A wide grin spread across his face.

'This is going to be fun.' he thought while putting down the cans in his futon. "Whet tuk y oh so looooooooooong?" Said the tipsy actor.

"Hehehe... Your quite wasted already." He mumbled. Izuku thought he was joking about the beer so he laughed. "I chant take any more beeer. I waaaant wiiiiine. Gib me winny." Izuku whined. "You have to finish this before I give you wine. Here." Shinsuo give him the can. The actor took it willingly. Unbeknownst to him, his manager is taking advantage of him. Beer could easily take down Izuku. He can't tolerate it's alcohol. Although he's a fighter when it comes to wine and vodka. Irony that he can't tolerate beer but vodka is a different story. He said it was something in his biology and his manager know him all too well.

Shinsuo flipped open his phone. 8:45 pm was registered on his phone in analog form. Then he looked Izuku's way, who is leaning helplessly in the corner of the room. With a can of beer in his hand. He put 4 cans aside as he crawled towards the drunken boy. "Izuku get out of there and let's lay down. Your too drunk now so you need to rest." He said a little bit concerned.

"Kachan I mish yuu. Lesh do dat again. I'm soooo hot rayt now." he uttered sloppily. He reached out to Shinsuo. Clinging to his lazily. "Hoy I'm not Kachan baka. Snap out of it Izuku. Your just drunk. Damn your too needy." he nervously muttered.

Izuku looked at him, his half lidded emerald eyes stared at Shinsuo. He pry Izuku's arms away from him but he was like a glue. Hard to take off.

He was taken by surprise when Izuku kissed him on the lips. He sloppily kissed the astonished man. It was slow and unsteady but Shinsuo was enjoying. Shinsuo sit down, kneeling. Izuku clung unto his neck, dragging himself to sit on his lap. He returned the kiss. He gripped Izuku's waist and hair.

Shinsuo almost devoured Izuku's lips as he pushed his head to deepened the kiss. Sweet mewls and moans escaped Izuku's mouth while Shinsuo was groaning like a wild animal. They break the kiss both panting. "Fuck Izuku your irresistible. I want to fuck you senseless." He growled.

He pushed Izuku down to the futon. Izuku's face was flushed red as he was panting from the kiss awhile ago. Sweats trickled down, the effects of the beer are slowly seeping out of Izuku's pores. Shinsuo's predatory eyes dilated from the sudden adrenaline rush. He looked at Izuku hungrily.

The sight before him was truly incredible, breathtaking. Izuku's flustered body and lewd face was in full display to him. He was getting horny every second he looked at the actor. He attacked Izuku's hot glistening lips. His hands searched the green haired boy's torso. Touching him sensually in every part until he reached his nipples.

Assaulting the hard nub with his fingers. He stopped kissing Izuku then went down to kiss his nipples. He licked, kissed, sucked and nibbled on the pink nub. Izuku moan at the sensation, his breath hitched every time Shinsuo did that magic on him.

"Ah...... Kachan doooo me more. Pwease. Ah." he begged. Shinsuo stopped, his senses returned in a flash. Izuku thought he was Katsuki. It was somehow painful. He want the actor to scream his name but he was too drunk to notice the difference.

He backed away, slight guilt washed him. "Kachan kachan." he whined. Shinsuo stepped out of the room clutching a shirt with him. He immediately wear it. As he came out, the cold breeze of the winter night blow into his face. He shivered at the touch of the wind.

'What the fuck is wrong with me? I know it's wrong but what am I doing? This must be the alcohol's effect? Hehehe right....' But that was just pretending. He fully knew well that he had feelings for his talent. The boy he nourished to be a wonderful actor in his generation. The one he nurtured into a professional model. He guided him into becoming what he is today. But why is he feeling this way towards the boy.

He looked at the starry night. Inhaling the fresh scent of the Earth. The mountains and woods that surrounded them are a perfect view for a nature lover like Shinsuo. He wished he could view it with Izuku. That night he stayed late, waiting for Izuku to fall asleep.


Two days have passed and everyone was packing their things to go back to the city. Izuku can't remember what happened that night. Shinsuo still put up a mask. Faking smiles to hide his secret feelings. No one seems to noticed.

In those days they go fishing, swimming in the lake, trekking into mountains, and watching the stars at night. It was fun and relaxing. Izuku's mind was completely clear. Though everything comes to an end when they packed to leave. The girls waited in the car for the boys, as they took out the bags. "Thank you for staying with us. Take care in your journey. Be safe." The women in yukata said their goodbyes, thanking their visitors for their stay.

No one was trying to break the silence in the car. Shinsuo was looking at the car window, watching the trees they passed by. Izuku was falling asleep. Their trip was a long way to go and it's making him bored. He fell into Shinsuo's shoulder as his eyes completely shut off. The manager sighed. He let Izuku rest in his shoulder fixing his head so he would lay comfortable. He stared at the sleeping boy. 'How cute' he thought. He hoped this feeling would just passed by like their car passing by those trees. A smile creeped on his face. He will just watch this boy grow more.


A/N: Yep total bullshit. I hope you like the last part. I kinda skipped the parts. I don't want it too long. Remember I'm planning this to end in 20 chapters. Bet it won't be 20 with 3 endings. I kind of loosing ideas so maybe the next update will be the action. I'm just going to write it long so the anticipation would still be there. What do you think guys? Should I add more like Shouto smut/fluff or another Katsuki smut/fluff parts? I wanted to know your thoughts about this guys. Help me out on this for once. Thank you for the support guys, for all those reads and votes. It motivates me seeing all those comments in the comment box. Leave more and I will update as fast as a lightning.

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