Chapter 9: Worried Boss?

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An extravagant night they shared as the two cuddles in the bed. Izuku snuggled close to Katsuki's chest. "Kachan what time is it?" Katsuki yawned loudly. Perking his head to look at the alarm clock on the bed side table. "It's 5:30am. Do you have work today? Don't go to work I know you'll be sore all day." A mocking grin spread widely across Katsuki's face. "Who says I can't walk baka Kachan." Deku scowled.

To his temper, boiling hot, he tried his best to stand up. However the pain in his lower back is damn great making him trip after getting both legs out of the bed. He heard Katsuki's laugh as he slumped down the carpeted floor. "Yeah laugh all you want. If you dont stop no sex for you for a week." Izuku deadpanned.

Automatically Katsuki stopped laughing and instead chuckled nervously. Small beads of sweat dropping in his face. He knew Izuku fully well. Izuku doesn't make a joke when he says something serious. Now Izuku was now laughing seeing the terror on Katsuki's face. Well who won't be afraid after your boyfriend tells you your cock blocked for a week. Katsuki looked at him with disbelief. Wiping a single tear in his eyes, Izuku crawled to the bathroom.

"Are you tempting me with that sweet ass of yours?" Katsuki grinned. With one swift motion he pinned Izuku to the floor, making him moan to the feeling of the rough and slight soft carpet in his back. "Kachan do you want to wreck me. No sex for today. I'm sore as hell can't you see it." Izuku beamed at him. Seeing Izuku happy made Katsuki fluttered. He immediately hugged Izuku and hold unto him like his lifeline. "Deku, promise me whatever happens we will always be together and you will never leave me. Even if you see or choose other people instead of me. Promise me you'll never leave." His words were calming and it made Izuku emotional. Katsuki was willing to risk his own happiness for him and it hurts. Because he knew deep down he still have feelings for the other one and yet here he was with Katsuki. Yes he also loves Katsuki but he can't choose. His feelings are divided by these two hot guys that he can't decide who to choose. Izuku thinks that he doesn't deserve Katsuki's affection.

"I promise." Is all he could say. Katsuki carried him bridal style and they went to the bathroom together.


After the hot shower session, *ahem* *ahem* *no smut just fluff* they went to the dining room. Where Katsuki made their breakfast. Izuku somehow got nervous for he never had a taste of his cooking. He was the one always cooking for them.

When Katsuki finished Izuku gulped down. A large lump seems to make it difficult to speak. It was a simple breakfast indeed. But he know Katsuki never cooks before. He doubted if he can make it taste any better. A simple omelet rice with bacon strips in the corner.

"Well what are you waiting for? Dig in." Katsuki coaxed him. He eyed wearily the food then switching stares to Katsuki then back to the food. Katsuki ignored him and eat silently. 'He seems to be enjoying it. Well fuck here it goes.' He bring a spoonful to his mouth and munch the food slowly, closing his eyes as he do so. He wanted to have a taste before jumping to conclusions. His eyes opened wide and his mouth formed into a large 'O'.

"This is sooooooo good Kachan. Where did you learn to cook. It is far from ordinary. Are you a secret chef or something?" Izuku happily exclaimed. "I thought you know me well? The old hag is a five star chef remember? Who do you think who will be patient enough to teach me?" He replied. His smirk seems to never leave his face. Izuku was shocked and think about it more as he eats it slowly. "Ah... You never told me Kachan. I thought she was a gangster or something." He finally remembered. "Well I told you now. Hey don't jump to conclusions Deku. Or else I'll ravage you again?" His threat wasn't mean to scare him. He was just having fun seeing how jumpy and embarrassed his boyfriend is. Izuku's face was as red as a tomato. He couldn't hide the fact that he was blushing too hard by his threat. After eating, Katsuki washed the dishes then they went to the bedroom.

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