Chapter 10: Revelation I

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  Shouto breathed in and out deeply, too worried of the truth that he's going to tell him. His fear that he might not believe him or hated him more drifts in his nervous mind. He take one more breath and closed his eyes as he reminisce on the memories of the past. Then he started as soon as his dual toned eyes open. "It all started when we were just a newly couple." 


"Hey Midoriya kun. Can we have lunch together?" Shouto said kinda shy. He's not used to having a boyfriend, so he is scared and nervous to what comes to them. Besides they're in school what bad may happen if they let it out right?

Izuku looked at him with expectant eyes. His vibrant green forest eyes sparkles every time the sun hits it. It was very mesmerizing to Shouto. Happiness is all he had that day but it changed because of "that". He smiled lightly and gave him a nod. Izuku beamed a smile at him. He grabbed Shouto's hand and made their way to the cafeteria.


  As soon as they entered the cafeteria, the room was filled with whispers of students looking their way. They knew that their love is a taboo to those who didn't understand them. However they don't give a damn care.

Shouto find an empty table where they could eat and instructed Izuku to wait for him. He walked towards the kitchen counter and picked their lunch. Only the finest dishes are served at their cafeteria. Of course what to be expected from the number one school in Japan, the most prestigious U.A.

As Shouto was about to make his way to their table, few students blocked his way. A blonde girl with skirts that barely covers her thighs came close to him. Dangerously close to him. Close to his face. Closer to his lips a few inches away. He take a step back and looked at her with furrowed eyes.

"What do you want?" his voice was monotone. His mismatched eyes glared at them. Examining their faces.

They are composed of four people, a small group of bitches he might add. The blonde seems to be the leader. She colored her hair too light that it didn't compliment her at all. She's an Asian for God's sake, why do these bitches likes to pretend they're not. If she colored it more dark than that he might changed his mind at all. It would be appreciated if she's cosplaying. (A/N: I'm not judging just a part of my story. I'm no racist...please be open minded especially to Asian out there.)

"My oh my... Your into little guys aren't you. Poor Shouto. Maybe you just need a feminine touch that's all and you will be cured for your gayism." her sassy voice whispered. 'Gayism. Is that even a word. This insolent fool needs to be thought first!!!' It's seems to ticked off Shouto as his blood become to boil in rage. The girl overstep his boundaries and he needs to act civil to avoid his father's confrontations.

"Before you stick your nose to other people's lives, should you teach yourself of mannerism first. Oh I forgot, add dictionary to your reading list because there's no such thing as gayism." Shouto calmly said but deep within he is raging. He's the best actor in this school and no one knows that except his beloved Izuku. He longed to be one but with his father's intention it won't happen.

"Ah... Ah... Ah... Not so fast Shouto." Shouto cringed at the mention of his name. He was blocked by the blonde's friends. The brunette in the front outstretched her hands and the rest spread in her sides. Posing like stupid unqualified models. Their hands brought to their chests that Shouto didn't give a look. Like he cared. "What do you wa-" Shouto was cutoff by the blonde. She kissed him and forced her tongue to his lips. He keep it tight shut and his grip in the tray tightened. That's it, his patience wash away like the tidal wave, surprisingly fast and destructive.

He held the tray in one hand, even if it was heavy it didn't matter to him. He pushed the girl with his free hand. She fall a few inches away from him. He really didn't hold back. "NEVER. EVER. DO. THAT. AGAIN. BITCH! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" his words are laced with venom with it. The girls that blocked him rushed to the blonde's side and cowered with fear.

He walked away from them as if nothing happened. They are a waste of his time and it really triggered him. As soon as he reached their table he saw Izuku, hands in his face and he seems to be sobbing.

"Hey baby. What happened?" he was worried of what made him like that. He put the tray in the table and pry his hands off of his face. "W-why sniff did sniff you do that?" Izuku said in between sobs. "Do what Izu?" he said. His voice was now calm and soothing. "You sniff ki-kissed her." It sounded more like a statement than a question.

Instinctively he hugged Izuku. "I wouldn't do that to you Izu. Besides did you see me kiss back? You know your the only one for me." Shouto looked at Izuku's eyes. They were still glazed with tears. But it was still enchanting. Like nothing in this world could be compared to it. He was all he need in his life and no one else. Izuku stopped crying but he was sniffing and it was really cute for Shouto.


 Words spread like wildfire and it only worsens as the ruckus reached the teachers ears. One peaceful day, Izuku and Shouto are at the corridor talking about their assignments when someone spun Shouto around. His eyes widened and his colors are drained from his face. He was shocked to see the most hated man in his life, his father. His father's intense glare intimidated not only Shouto but also Izuku. "We need to go." he grab Shouto by the hand and drag him along. Izuku was left stunned at shocked.They went to the principal's office. Shouto knew what was to come and he was slight terrified. The door to the office opened and the blonde girl was there with her mother. An intimidating aura emitted from his annoyed father. "That's him mother. He forced me to kiss him then pushed me when he saw his boyfriend crying." the girl blamed Shouto for a false accusations that he never did. Well one fourth of it, where he pushed the dirty bitch to the floor. That's where she belong. "Could you repeat it again child. I didn't quite catch the 'last part' you said." Shouto's father asked.The girl tremble in fear. Her mother did the same. Who wouldn't if the most renowned person in the business industry is there and speaking to them. As if a god is in front of them for they cowered in fear. Terrified he will use all of his money and make something funny that will plunge their own business to nothing. His enemies are destroyed that way or another. And they wouldn't want to know his many options of doing so. "What happened cat got your tongue little lady?" He stood in front of the girl. Towering over her little figure as she hide her face by looking down. He gestured Shouto to come in and sit down. The principal was not in the room so they waited. But Enji Todoroki, Shouto's father, talked again. "Did I heard you right? That my Shouto here had a boyfriend?" This time it wasn't as nice as the first question. "Y-y-yes." she replied stuttering. He would ask another one when the principal entered the room. It was a small plump lady and she looked squeaky. "Hi. I'm sorry I'm late. Sorry for the troubles Mr. Todoroki. I'm going to introduce myself beforehand. I'm Principal Nemu and I don't give my last name sorry." she said in a high pitch voice. Yes she is squeaky. (A/N: Sorry I don't know her last name. I forgot if someone know kindly pm me. Thanks in advance.)"I would like to discuss the harassing matter in front of your parents. Let's hear both parties before discussing the solution here." She said as she made her way towards her own chair. "Let's hear your side Shouto. I already heard Shizu's side." she asked.He looked at Nemu then to his father. Who only looked at him with disgust upon knowing his secret. "She and her friends blocked me as I was about to sit down to my table when she blocked me. Then she's the one who kissed me. I didn't kiss her back. I pushed her away because I didn't like it. She assaulted me first so I pushed he away from me. Nothing wrong if what I did." Shouto stated truthfully. He speak continuously that made Nemu think he's saying the truth. Still hurting a girl shouldn't be a thing these days. "I see. What can you say about this parents?" Nemu asked them. But silence only filled the room. Until Enji stood up and stand in front of Shouto. He slapped the boy real hard that the impact made a small gash in his lower lip. Blood drip down in the side of his mouth. "Now we're fair and I expect not a word out. Because I'm not as nice as any other guy out there. Come Shouto we'll discuss this at home." He walked out of the door. The threat was as clear as ice and one wrong move would burn them for good. Nemu was terrified but still she was concerned of what was to come to the bruised boy. If he could do that to him what's even worse than that.


 That day Shouto left earlier. Izuku was frightened of what will happen to his beloved. He only prayed for his safety and for God to have mercy on him. Hopefully he would.


 A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. I don't have a load for a few days and it sucks without internet because I can't open my other stories and it's frustrating. So I made it two chapters because the damn revelation was too long. I hope you guys like it. Soon will be Tododeku I promise y'all. Jane. Thank you for reading and voting. Kindly wait for the next update.

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