Chapter 15: A Little Shinsuo Ship For All Of You I

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A couple of days passed and the commotion had long forgotten. But some of them won't let it be. They take a break from all the stress from coming to a resort. It was near the mountains and filled with hot springs. The trip was unknown to the two admirer of the green head actor. Only a few people was invited.

They arrived at the front wooden gate of the resort. It was cream painted with a blue and white logo of the resort. With a black van owned by one of the crew. A total of six people including Shinsuo and Izuku. They want to give a stress free day for the actor. Since having too many admirer were indeed stressing.

One by one they packed up onto their designated rooms. The two guys shared their room, same with the girls, while Shinsuo and Izuku shared one room.

Izuku looked at his phone to see if anyone called him. 125 missed calls and 50 messages displayed on his screen. He was astonished. These boys are like puppy who craves attention from their mommy. It was hilarious seeing them scurrying without their queen bee. Izuku let out a depressing sigh. It was funny but he's not laughing.

"Izuku, don't think about them for today. It's your day off remember. Or do you want me to take your mind somewhere off. You know, heaven..." Izuku felt goosebumps creep upon his body. He never knew his manager would add up to this crazy love affair of him. He looked behind to see his manager. He was also shocked seeing the seriousness in his face and in his tone awhile ago. They stare for a couple of minutes, Izuku looked at him bewildered. Until he heard him laugh. "Damn Shinsuo. I thought your serious. Bitch!" He scoffed.

"What? You wished it was?  My.. My.. Izuku your not unfair. You already have two boys dancing in the palm of your hands and still you want me. Are they not enough for you to crave me?" He snickered. "Shut up!!!" Izuku shouted. Shinsuo just laugh his ass out. Clutching his stomach.

Izuku ignored him and snatch a towel at his bag. He went straight to the springs. There was a small room for undressing before you enter the rinsing room. (A/N: I dunno what it is called. Correct me if I'm wrong.) He already saw the two boys scrubbing their backs. He fold his clothes neatly before he went inside. He grabbed a small pail and went inside as well. The two boys looked up to him with their mouth agape. 'Damn sexy. If he doesn't have a muscle I would mistaken him for a girl.' Thought of one of the boys.

"Izu-chan can we scrub your back for you." They both said in unison. They looked at each other before looking back at the actor. "Haha haha....You may." He chuckled as he scratch the back of his head. Quite confused of the behaviour they showed. "Not permitted. I'm the only one who can scrub his back." Ah... The possessive manager enters the room. Izuku turned around to scowl him but drop his mouth open. 'Damn Sexy' He's practically drooling. He's much muscular than Katsuki. He shake his head as to stop his delusions. "Stop staring Izuku. I might actually melt with your hot stares." He playfully winked. 'What is he doing?  Why is he doing this to me? What are his intentions?' "What are you doing huh?  Your acting weird. Baka-ero" (A/N: Japanese word for stupid. Correct me if I'm wrong here.) Izuku asked. "Hahaha how rude. OK sit down and I'll scrub your back for you." Shinsuo chuckled. Izuku just nodded and sit down. The two boys pour a final rinse before heading to the waters.

Shinsuo started washing Izuku's hair. His skilfully slender fingers travels across Izuku's scalp. Izuku lean to the touch. It was somewhat relaxing. Shinsuo silently snickered. He was enjoying teasing their favorite cinnamon roll.

Izuku suddenly felt nervous. He was supposed to not like it but he was leaning to his touch. It was bad news he knew it. With only the two of them there, it was kinda awkward. "What's wrong Izuku? Why are you so tense?" he asked. "Eh.... Nothing much." He replied.

The scrubing of Shinsuo felt sensual to Izuku, as he washed him a tad bit slow. Soon he was nearing down his back when he gulped down the lump in his throat. His heart raced as Shinsuo began sliding the sponge down. Izuku was practically trembling now. "Are you cold? We should hurry then." Pouring him a warm water from the faucet. He shivered at the contact of the water.

"What are you doing? Your acting creepy. Are you a gay too?" He crawled away. Shinsuo crossed his arms and sit upright. "What if I am? Got a problem with it? Your a gay too right?" Questions after questions bombarded him. Then he ignored Izuku. Pouring a bucket full of water into his body, the sleep deprived guy started washing his own body.

Scrubbing his back and his armpits. Izuku was stunned. He didn't know what to do. He just watched him as he slowly washed his abs. Until he reached down. Izuku felt his face heated up so he looked away. While Shinsuo secretly looked at him from his peripheral view. Grinning at the flustered boy.

"I'm going in first!!!" he screamed. Scurrying away but he slipped, head first before he fall. Unfortunately his towel went a couple of centimeters away.

Izuku tried getting up but his face still hurts, so he rested his body for a few seconds. When he looked up he saw his towel sprawled out on the floor. He quickly reached for it before his manager could see him in that humiliating position.

Suddenly the towel got snatched away by none other than the sneaky manager. "Well well...tempting me with that delicious ass aren't we Izuku-chan?" he smirked then licked his lips deliciously.

Izuku got up covering his now bare body. "You look deliciously sweet little cinnamon roll. I would like to have a taste." he seductively said. Izuku shuddered as he looked shocked at his manager. 'Does he have feelings for me?' "G-give m-me back my towel." he demanded but it came out weak and almost stuttering.

Shinsuo came closer until he cornered the actor. "Hmm in one condition. Can I have a kiss? It's unfair all of them are so into you and yet you haven't let your manager have his fair share." he lean down closer to Izuku. "Please." Shinsuo whispered, giving shiver to Izuku. Shinsuo was totally having fun. Seeing the small boy tremble before him was somewhat turning him on. He know he needs to stop before he couldn't stop himself. Before he backed away he gave Izuku a long passionate kiss. The boy was stunned, but soon melted into the kiss. He couldn't help but return it, the way Shinsuo kissed was too professional. When Izuku was trying to reach him, he stopped him. "Ah ah ah.... Not so fast needy Cinnamon Roll." he chuckled before he heads to the spring. Izuku was left shocked.

'Damn clown'

Is all he could think of.


A/N: Yes he is. Damn clown like Isuka from hunter x hunter. Lol there's a part two guys are you ready. I hope this sated your thirst for ShinsuoXIzuku. I hope you like it 'to the one who requested it.' What do you think guys? Leave me a comment if you like this chapter. Sorry for the teasing teasing part courtesy by Shinsuo Sama. Thank you for reading and voting love y'all.

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