Chapter 8: Heated Bedroom Scene

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The room they were in was getting heat up. As sweat trickled down their faces, they couldn't believe they finally admitted it. All of the emotions are constantly overflowing as they kiss passionately, rough, and slowly. They were like animals that freed up from their cages. The strong desires clouding up the atmosphere making them hot and horny.

Their longing ceased after each confessions. They crave each other, their touches, kisses, moans, and everything about them. As soon as they reach their boiling point Katsuki yanked down Izuku's boxers. Throwing it off somewhere in the floor. He cornered the boy looking down to him, grinding their lengths. He was seeking friction and man it was very intoxicating. He was getting drunk by Izuku's horny expressions. It was like a drug that makes you high, ecstatic. Never once he thought this would escalated fast. (A/N: I never knew it too. Pffftt 😂😂😂😂) The tingly sensation of each others touch made them want more. Their needy beast are already showing. Their pants, moans, and grunts echoed throughout the room. Katsuki leaned down again as he kissed Izuku once more. Izuku put his arms around Katsuki's neck as a support for his trembling legs.

Karsuki break away, catching his breathe after an intense battle of dominance. It was visible in his face who wins. "Deku what are you doing to me" he growled. Then Katsuki attacked his neck. Earning him a gasp and a loud moan. "Kachan stop taking me by surprise." Izuku uttered. His raspy breath hitting Bakugo's face. "But you love it when I do that. Your other head tells another story." They looked down as they saw Izuku's member twitching in delight. "Stop teasing me." he pouted.

"Alright you first my baby." He crouched down to Izuku's member and gently grab it. Izuku covered his mouth muffling the sounds that came from him. He was blushing a deep shade of red. It was too much.

Soon the warm mouth enveloped his length. Welcoming him as it wrapped around the head. Katsuki bobbed his head all the way in. Taking it all greedily. His ruby red gazed at Izuku while Izuku's emerald ones came crashing to his. Small tears were rolling as Katsuki tried his best not to gag. Showing how much he really want to please Izuku.

However it will be completely different when it will be his turn. A devious smirk creep upon his face but barely noticeable due to the fact that Izuku's hard cock shoved inside his mouth. The thought sent shivers down his spine causing waves of vibrating moans to Izuku's cock. "A-ahhhh Ka-kachan I want moreee. Do it more." He said between breathing.

He continued to bobbed his head up and down while his hands are on Izuku's shaft. Then he will stop to lick and tease the tip. Kissing and sucking it making the Afro green haired a mess of panting. "Kachan your so good. Ah take me more." he buckled up his hips to deepen the thrusts. Without hesitation, Katsuki fasten his pacea and with every thrust he couldn't stop moaning. Making Izuku closer to the edge. "Ah Ah Ah K-K-Kachan I-I'm cumming." Izuku managed to say. Katsuki just looked up to him. He wanted Izuku to release in his mouth so he double the pace. "KACHAAAAN" He released with a scream of his name.

Katsuki stood up licking his hand and mouth. "For a nerd boy like you, you sure cum alot. Now suck me off so I can fuck you my little whore." He said seductively. Izuku hummed in response.

Crouching down he eyed Katsuki's member. His eyes widened at his length. It was gigantic and he kept thinking how will it fit him. "It won't bite you Deku. Come on." Katsuki shoved his dick in front of Isuku's face. Gently slapping him as Izuku grunt at him. He gulped before starting it with a kiss. "Kachan will it hurt?" he asked before continuing. "A little bit. But I'll be gentle. Don't worry I'll prep you up real good." he smiled reassuringly.

He lick and suck the base as his tongue twist and turn around him. Katsuki was grunting, cursing as he felt good. "Damn Izuku. Your so good ah take me in." His eyes closed and his mouth agape in pleasure. Izuku then tried to take it all but when Katsuki buckled up he gag. Coughing as he glare at him. "Getting impatient huh." he uttered sarcastically. "Na just teasing you." Katsuki chuckled. Izuku mockingly laugh. Then he do it again. His tears were streaming again as it nearly touches the back of his throat. 'Damn Katsuki and his huge fat cock' he thought annoyed by the length of Katsuki.

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