Chapter 18: Tied Up Actor

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Izuku regained consciousness though his vision was still blurry due to the drugs effect. Scanning the room as he found himself tied up in a chair with a single light hovering above his head, it looked like he was a criminal for interrogations. The room was so dark that he couldn't see what else was in the room because of the blinding light. Also it was a small room with only a table, a wooden bed, and two wooden chairs can fit. "Hello, somebody help me." he screamed all over again. When he thought it was futile he stopped. Hanging his head low as he give up on everything, including his beloved love and life.

He heard the sound of the door opening and a silhouette of a man came in front of him. "How was your stay my beloved actor? I'm a huge fan of you indeed. Do you want to have a cup of tea?" He cackled maniacally. Izuku just furrowed his brows. 'He must have some few loose screws' Izuku thought to himself. "Well I'm Shigaraki. I won't give fully my name for I still have some enemies who are out to kill me. As you see we uncover the secrets of that Yakuza leader, the masked reaper, as they call him. You are a special existence for him for I now have the weakness of that damn bastard......." he leaned closer to the small boy's ear.

"Ahhhhh...your sooo cute I want to kill you right away. But where's the fun dude. Like hell that would be good. I need to lure the wolf with a bait of course and you, you my dear boy are a perfect master piece to torture him. He killed so many comrades of our, now it's his turn." Shigaraki whispered. Shivers went down his spine as the threat sink in to his mind. He doesn't want to understand what was happening but the fear is so great he wanted to faint right away.

Sweats started to trickled down his head as the insane man noticed. His smile grew into a wide grin, almost frightening as if the skins were already tearing from how stretched they were. "I love your reaction. Let's see what else can you offer. Your an actor right? Give me one of your act and I promise I won't hurt you." he smiled more eerily. His eyes glazed with unknown terror that was just about to unleash but it was held back, by fascination. Fascination of whether why is the greatest yakuza leader in Japan connected to him or how a young boy like him could be an actor and famous. Shigaraki wasn't jealous of Izuku's success, hell he doesn't give a damn care. But the thought of revenge will never leave him.

He wasn't exactly interested in anything media could give nor he was interested in society itself. He had his own world. A world where a blonde bastardization destroyed. His family was one of the main boss of a mafia in Tokyo city. The only thing he only cherished the most was them. But turns out they're dealing with something they shouldn't have.

Although reminiscing wasn't his thing he shut down for like 15 minutes. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked cautiously. He doesn't want anything happening to him so he needs to be cautious. People with few loose screws like Shigaraki are hard to read but they are dangerously cool on the inside. Much more sane when they already had blood on their hands. Izuku didn't want that to happen.

"So Izu-kun will you act for me or not?" his devilish smirk grew impossibly wider. Izuku thought he even heard a tearing sound but ignored it. He doesn't want to know more. (A/N: Badass like the joker. Hmmmm hmm... Smoking.  Aye wrong line hehehehehe.. Continue.)

When Shigaraki conclude that Izuku wouldn't do it he asked once more. Yelling at the top of his lungs. The astonished actor trembled in fear. Tears already protruding his emerald eyes. Then Shigaraki stopped moving for awhile, directly staring into Izuku's eyes as if scanning the depths of his soul. The murderous ones locked to the brightly vivid green orbs of the actor. Izuku was confused. 'Why is he staring?' Suddenly Shigaraki cupped his face. "I like the glow of your eyes. It reminds me of my sister, my mother. (A/N: I kinda make this one, so no offense. Chill dudes!!!) Ah!!! How I like them when they stare at me." he uttered. Quite distracted as he inched closer to Izuku's face. "Your too uncanny. You know that?" He pointed at Izuku. The actor just shrugged at his statements. He often get it after all.

After a couple more minutes Shigaraki sighed and left the room with silence. On the other hand, Izuku did the same. he let out a breathe without realizing be was holding it, up until now. It was really terrifying.
Izuku hoped he would be save before that crazy jerk can do anything creepy to him. He doesn't want to be a part of the mad-man's experiments. As he bend his body low, sulking of what happened, Izuku scanned the room around. Something that can be useful as a tool  a d a weapon. Just hopefully.


A/N: I'm sorry guys. I'm soooooooooo tired that I don't made it too long. I promise the last 3 will be it.  So let's go in woot wooow.  Thank you for the likes and votes,bye

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