Author's Note

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OK guys someone message me. It's a secret between us though because he/she doesn't want attention ahem. Chars.... OK so they said I should add another one to the already complicated love triangle. But the question is who? What do you think guys? We will have a voting poll to see if you want to add another one. If you say yes who will you nominate. The winner will be added as one of Izuku-chan's admirer, at first. Hehehehehehe.... You guys like it more complex than threesome aye.... Though I don't know how foursome works. Ayts let's don't jump on the kinky stuff and start the voting poll.

Let's be open guys here okay. I don't want you to bully people sharing out their kink or whatever when it comes to this topic. Let's be mature and open minded and respect others happiness over these kind of things. After all were not God to judge right. I don't want people yelling at me how inappropriate my works are, yet they read it. Let's be honest and open minded to others and be happy of what they are. I, personally supports the LGBT people. Even though I'm not one. It's all about respect guys and I love people who likes to chill and not care with other people's business. Like a hippie. Let's be cool chix baby and roll out the fun. Ciao.....

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