Katsuki's Happy Ending

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  It's been three days already since Izuku's abduction, still they didn't stop looking for him. Katsuki used all of his connection throughout the mafia factions. While Shouto used his wealth to find the actor.Two men racing for their beloved, too afraid they might be late so everything they did was as fast as they could. Katsuki found out where Izuku was first. Albeit he found out, he didn't told Shouto.Going to the warehouse, he lined up all of his men. Including his most trusted henchmen and the most deadly assassins there is, in his clan. They wouldn't be feared if they're not the strongest in Japan.

Katsuki, the masked reaper, is their leader. The most successful, tactical, brave, and most of all he doesn't give a fuck. Whoever stands in his way will go straight to hell. Although he wanted to kill someone who hurt his beloved he couldn't, he promised not to touched the bastard. Katsuki Bakugo's words when spat out couldn't be contained anymore. His promises were never been broken and he keeps them like a true man. His clan rules all over the faction and keep peace and justice at hand. He's never been into monkey business and even though he used to look murderous, he had a big heart. Helping people that can't fight for their own and destroying annoying villains that always caused trouble. He was a hero in their eyes. Everything about him was always kept by a black mask with red lines beneath the eyes. He always had a large scythe with him, earning the title of the 'masked reaper'. (A/N: One word 'Kakkoi')

  He learned that Izuku was kidnapped by the 'white tiger' known as the Shigaraki clan. One of the mafia clan ruling over a district in Tokyo. He clashed with their faction a long time ago, killing along the Shigaraki couple and the older son. Shigaraki's gang was one of the most abusive clan in town. They killed women, children and old people too, they are utterly ruthless. Katsuki didn't know that a sole survivor escaped the massacre of the whole Shigaraki household. Now he was so pissed he will show them what it feels like living in hell. After discussing the plan his phone rang up

 Picking it up and cussing relentlessly. "What the fuck is your problem?" he shouted. "If I were you, stupid thug I would be careful with my words. Especially on who you talk with." a creepy chuckled followed by. "Who the fuck are you anyway?" He scowled through gritted teeth. Growling as the speaker at the end of the line continuously laugh at him. "What a pea brain. Stupid Katsuki Bakugo. I already know who you are yet you didn't recognize me. The only kid that got out alive of that butcher's house. I've got what you wanted come alive at the White Tiger's House and I'll spare the green head. If you don't I'll kill him, live broadcast since he's a famous person he should be famous when he got killed. It will be a dramatic end for the cute little boy. Although it would be a complete waste, such a fine young actor. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" he mocked. Katsuki wanted to kill him right away, if only the distance wasn't so far. "7:00pm sharp, only you, don't come with your clan or the boy won't see another day." he threatened. "I see. Your too damn afraid that your little gang of dweebs wouldn't be able to stop us if we obliterate you all. Pathetic." Katsuki spatted.

"Laugh while you can. I still have the last laugh. Little did the stupid bastard know that he already infiltrated their base by having eyes and ears inside. Katsuki's spies are the best among his tricky men. They are ex military, mercenaries, and even ninja from another country. Emotions were like a kid's play for them, they only show pokerface. When the phone call end he throw his phone away, crashing it intensely when it touched the floor. He bring down his hands to the table as it got everyone's attention. "We will ambush them today at midnight. Be ready you punks. This will be a bloodbath." he said sternly. 


They arrived at an abandoned warehouse near the port. Katsuki take the lead as they approached it silently. The heavy cold breeze of the night brushed through their skins. Sweats bathed them as the tension welled up. It was heavily guarded. Thick broad guys with M4A1 stood at the front gate. They had guns, grenades, and machete tucked at their sides. Katsuki held his breath as he inhaled and exhaled, calming his nervous mind. Focusing on the mission before them they advanced slowly. Switching places with careful steps to prevent any unwanted attention. Swiftly they dodge any obstacles before them. As if Ninjas, they wore all black. Blending well to their dark surrounding as the night camouflage them. They used hand signs to acknowledge orders from their leader. They stopped abruptly when they saw someone at the front gate. A guard was inspecting a truck that just arrived. Katsuki took a quick glance at the driver and was shocked to see who it was.

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