Chapter 5: Cinnamon Roll

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Todoroki seems to become fazed by Bakugo's presence. His intimidation quite slip out of him sometimes. His focus wavering everytime he saw the two flirting or just passing by. Sometimes he's daydreaming often leads to staring out of his windows. The worst is when he had a meeting, a certain guy was presenting in front and asked him a question. It took him minutes before realizing the people in the room are focused to him. Followed by an apologize he will asked them what was happening again.

"It seems your in distraught Mr. Todoroki. If you want we can postpone the meeting and continue it tomorrow. After all we can't rush this thing because its too important." A bald guy said, he's an important person too to be able to talk like that to Shouto.

"I'm sorry. It's fine we can continue." he said calmly. It was the second day that Izuku worked for him. Ever since that day he can't get a chance to sneak in to his changing room and have a talk with him. With Katsuki in his room he'll never get a chance.

But he will never give up. He had Izuku under a contract for a month. So he had plenty of time. He needs to focus or it will gravely affect his company. He took a day off that Thursday seeing there are no problems at hand. Also he picked Thursday knowing it was Izuku's day off too. Nailed it to a stalker billionaire like him. With tons of networks and connections nothing slips out of his hands. If he want to, he could have it. Besides he had professional people to handle things when they got out of hand in the office.

He went to a mall where Izuku used to hangout. Sitting near the entrance outside the coffee shop. It seems Izuku likes coffee shop. No particular shop because Izuku was often seen by people in different coffee shops before.

Shouto was in disguise. He is wearing a navy blue wig with brown lenses. He also have an eyepatch in his left eye to hide his scarred face. A black shirt with a blue three fourth jacket and a camouflage trousers.

Even though his clothes are ordinary he looked like a handsome pirate. A woman in a frilly maid costume walk to him. Asking for his order, she greeted him. He ordered his usual coffee, black and boiling hot. "Anything else sir." she said seductively. "And one cinnamon roll please. That's all thanks." he answered while looking back at his phone. She smiled at him obviously flirting before she left to get his order.

Suddenly a guy in a green shirt and black short pants with a red and black cap sat in front of him. "Can I share a seat? The seats are currently full and yours has the only one vacant chair left." The green head said. Smiling softly even though Shouto was still busy reading.

But his eyes widened when the owner of the voice that he longed to see finally showed up. He raised his head to return the smile. The green haired seems to frowned a bit but smiled again without saying anything again. Another woman walk to them with Shouto's order at her hand.

"Here's your order Mr." she beamed. Putting down the platter of his cinnamon roll and a cup of black coffee. He wanted to speak but Izuku would notice so he kinda change his voice to a deep one.

"Thanks. Uhm I think he wants to add something else." he pointed to Izuku. Izuku being a jumpy nerd before couldn't help but stutter and tremble at his seat. He never get used to attention even if he's now an actor and a model. He lowered his head and brought the menu to his face, hiding his embarrassment. Shouto mentally laugh. The old Izuku he knew was still the same, yet he know that the scar he leaved changed him somehow.

"Uhm o-one c-cappuccino espresso and same as him. One cinnamon roll too please." he stammered. The lady write down his order before telling them to wait. Izuku got out of his hiding place. "Phew you surprised me there. Sorry by that and uhm... Thank you too." his coyness made Shouto blush.

"Yeah Hehehe.. Your welcome it was nothing." he answered. Still nervous that Izuku might know his disguise. Izuku put down the menu and held his phone out. He relaxed in his seat playing with his phone as he do so.

"Aww man I lost again. Damn Katsuki. Always great at this." he muttered.

Izuku accidentally looked at the guy and panicked when he saw him staring at him intently.

"Ah...I'm sorry I didn't mean to curse, not to you.  I was playing game and I lost. I was kinda stress too heehehe." Izuku defended.

A soft chuckle left the Shouto's plump lips as he brushed a single tear in his eye, while his hand rest in his stomach. "Still the same." he mumbled.

"What did you say? I didn't catch on that one." Izuku asked innocently.

"Nothing. I was just fascinated of how you apologize just because you lost on a game. What's your name? I'm ah....uhm...Tanaka by the way. Tanaka Mitoshi." Shouto made up a name and held out his hand out to shake. Izuku reluctantly take it but smiled when their hands touched.

"Well I'm Hitoshi Saotome. Nice to meet you Mr. Tanaka." Izuku lied. Though he could see through him. Izuku was never good at lying. It was visible when his ears are flushing beet red. Though Shouto never corrected him. He played along. Izuku on the other hand was glad that he didn't notice. 'Maybe he's not a fan of me.' Izuku thought.

Their hands seems to froze that they don't want to break away. They only do when the waitress returns. They both blushed at the same time as they quickly get back their hands. "Thank you." Izuku said. The woman smiled at him before she left.

Izuku seems to warmed up fast at him. Completely oblivios from Shouto's disguise. Though he see a small resemblance to Shouto at his new found friend he ignored it. They talked a bit forgetting about the flow of the time. The sweet moment they're having made Shouto happy at least. He wanted to return to their relationship before but he knew he need to fix things up. And he needs to act fast before Katsuki stole Izuku away from him. Good thing they're not official yet leaving him with chances at Izuku as Tanaka.

"Well that was quite fun. Thank you for the seat again. I got to go. Nice meeting you again Mr. Tanaka. Bye." Izuku stood up and formally excuse himself. He went to the counter to pay then leave.

"Yeah you too." he waved at him. He sit back relaxing in his chair. Closing his eyes and reminisced of their past. His eyes shot open when he remember he haven't got Izuku's phone number. He looked everywhere but he couldn't see him anymore. 'I'm sure he's still here. Got to pay first before I search for him' he thought to himself. He quickly got up, picking his phone at the table and went to the counter to pay.

After that he went to shops to look for Izuku. To no avail he didn't saw him. His only chance of getting close to him slipped away like the water of a stream. Sighing as he went home in defeat. He'll try his chance the next week again. This time he will never forget it and if by chance he will write it down in his palm to keep him reminded.

Shouto smiled at himself as he stared at the starry sky. They had a great time that they spent it till this time of the day. He looked at his phone and click the power button. In his screen it flashed 7:06 pm and a slide show of Izuku's photos of his poses beside their company's cars. He admire it before heading to his car at the parking lot.

That night the sweet smile never fades away from his face. He sleep soundly and even dream of his Izuku. It will take time to get him but he will never surrender.


A/N: I know guys it sucks. Also I dedicate this chapter to all the people who read and voted for my story. Thank you so much I am truly touched. Never knew my thrash would be worth reading. With all this inspiration I'll keep the updates fast like freshly baked cake. Lol.... Let me know what you think about this story guys. Next chapter will be Bakugo's tan tan tan tan. Thanks again lovelies. Keep hitting that vote button and add it up to your reading list.......bye.

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