Chapter 1

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"Taraji POV"

Monday 7:30am

"Wait a minute, your saying that you have an interview with that dude that owns Empire?" My sister gushed over the phone as I switched lanes on the highway

Right now I'm on my way to an interview with Lucious Lyon...the owner of Empire Entertainment. The entire world loves his music and so do I actually, he is an amazing artist and the most sexiest guy I've ever seen.

"Yeah his assistant called me yesterday to confirm, she said that if I nail it then they'll let me know when I can start." I replied and I smiled knowing she was smiling as well.

I nervously looked at myself in the mirror as I got off the highway and rounded the corner knowing I was almost there.

"That's amazing Raji, good luck girl. Ooh and mama wants to know if your coming over for dinner tonight?" She asked

"Yeah Meeks, anyways I gotta go but I'll call when I'm done okay and go to school I'll pick you up when you get out okay?" I said to her

"Yeah yeah okay Bye sis." She muttered

"Bye." I said then hung up and put my phone in my Chanel bag.

I pulled up at the valet and they parked my car. I walked in through the double doors and towards the receptionist that sat there doing her nails, I stood there watching her as she chewed bubblegum and totally ignored me. Shit if I was her boss I'd fire her on the spot, I cleared my throat and she hopped up

"I'm so sorry ma'am I didn't notice you standing there." She said with an apologetic smile that I returned

"It's okay uh Natalie is it?" I said looking at her name tag

"Yes, how may I help?" She asked

"I have an Interview with Mr Lyon, is he in yet?" I asked looking down at my gold Rolex that read 7:55 am then I looked back up at her.

"Mr Lyon actually just got here and is in his office, Jasmine here will escort you up." She said and a women came up to me and led me to the elevators, we got in and she pushed the top floor button.

As soon as the elevator dinged we arrived at his office and the doors were open

"Mira can you give me a fucking break already? I told you I was in a meeting and it was too late to call you, you do know that I run a company right? I'm not sitting around on my ass all day doing nothing." Came from inside

"You know what I don't fucking have time for this, I have a meeting with someone who'll actually be a benefit for me instead of relying on you. You don't even know what a head of A&R is so how could you possibly want the job if you don't know how to do it?" He went on, Jasmine started getting irritated so she went in and waved her hand in the air catching his attention signalling that someone was here

"I gotta go Mira, I have a meeting so don't call back." He said then hung up the phone and he came over towards us

"Sir this here is Taraji, she's the one that worked for Def Jam, Best on her team." Jasmine said to him

"Please come in." He said then dismissed Jasmine

"Have a seat Miss Henson, I'm so sorry you had to hear that." He said then sat on the couch opposite me.

"That's okay, here's my info you asked for." I said handing them over to him, he looked at me then smirked and took them from my hands. He looked at it for a while then looked up at me again

"This is really impressive, you worked for Creedmore?" He asked

"Yes I did, but they didn't really offer me what I wanted so I only worked there for a few months." I replied and he nodded

"Well I have a contract that will peek your interest." He said getting up and walking towards his desk, he took it from his table and walked back over to me.

"Here you go, the board actually gave me your résumé and I was shocked to see that your only 32 yet you've accomplished so much." He said to me and got comfortable on the couch as I looked over the contract

"Well its mostly because my parents raised me right, they made sure I had a good education." I said and he smirked at me,

" Yeah that's what parents are for hey." He said getting up and he walked to the mini bar at his desk

"So what do you think?" He asked referring to the contract

"Well It looks pretty solid but I still have to let my lawyer look through it and I'll let you know by tomorrow." I said to him

"You don't trust me or something?" He asked with a sinister smile as he poured himself a drink

"You drink scotch?" He asked

"As a matter of fact I do, and I do trust you by the way but I still need my lawyer to look at it before my signature is on this paper though." I replied

"Yes Ma'am" He said to me as he came over to me and handed me my glass, I took it and he took his seat again.

"I feel like I've met you before." He said softly as he examined my features, he took a close look then took a sip of his drink.

"Hey did you perhaps go to Harvard?" He asked and I nodded

"Middle name Penda?" He asked

"Whoa how do you know my middle name? Its not in any of my papers." I asked as I looked at him then placed my glass on the table in front of me

"Hey wait a minute, Dashon?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Holy Shit." We both said at the same time and I took my drink straight to the head. What now?


Luv from ya Kween IV 🌸

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