Chapter 5

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"Lucious POV"


"That's all I could find out for now boss." Thirsty told me as I took a seat in my chair.

I couldn't believe my ears at what Thirsty told me about Taraji's boyfriend and what kind of person he really is. This Nigga got me all the way fucked up, tryna put his hands on my daughter and shit.

When Zoe told me that her mother's boyfriend tried to hit her I swear to God I saw red. What kind of monster hits children anyway. Meeting her really put a light in my life yesterday. Its like nobody can tell me that kid ain't mine, she got a mouth like her mama but she definitely has my features.

"Alright thanks Thirsty, hold up I got a call to take real quick." I said and he got up and shut the door on his way out.

My phone rang for a couple of seconds then I picked it up seeing it was my mama.

"Hey mama."

"How'd it go?" She asked

"She is so sweet mama, I got to know her after dinner earlier on at Raji's place." I told my mother with a smile

"That's great Lucious, how did she take the news." She asked

"She was a bit emotional at first but then she  warmed up to me and we got to know each other." I told her

"Well what did Taraji say? Can we meet her?" She asked next

"I have to ask her about that still ma, I'm sure she won't have a problem with it." I said to her

"Okay baby, I have to go now but we will speak tomorrow okay." She said

"Yeah ma, I love you." I said

"I love you too baby, bye." She replied

"Bye." I said and she hung up

I put my phone in my pocket then got up and Thirsty walked towards me from the kitchen.

"Ole boy is a dirty lawyer boss man, I suggest you stay away from him." Thirsty said as I walked him to the door

"Don't worry bout that Thirst. Get me more info, I wanna know everything about him." I said and he nodded

"See you tomorrow Thirst." I said, waved at him then shut the door and locked it.

I walked up the main staircase and into our room where Mira laid fast asleep. I got into our bed beside her and wrapped my arms around her bringing her into my chest and I fell asleep thinking about the nights Raji would lay up under me.

"Taraji POV"

I walked out of Zoe's bedroom after checking on her and into the living room where Michael sat with his phone in hand. As soon as he saw me he put his phone away and gave me his attention.

"Why didn't you tell me about Zoe's father?" He asked

"I found out he lived here a week after I moved Michael. I didn't even know he owned the company I'm about to work for." I told him

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