Chapter 23

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"Lucious POV"

A week later...

Everything has been going great since we've moved into the new house so far. Zoe has been having the time of her life since its almost time for her summer vacation. She's in the pool almost everyday with her best friend and today's no different.

Taraji and I allowed her to have Morgan sleep over for a few days and she's been taking full advantage.

Last night they slept in the living room where they built a fort and ate tons of junk food that I bought without Taraji knowing. Let's just hope she doesn't find out about that or I'll be toast.

Today were having a little cookout at our house so our close family and friends can check it out. This is kinda like a house warming but whatever you want to call it.

"Lucious are they done with the meat yet?" My dad asked as he and Taraji's dad stood at the grill sipping Scotch like there ain't kids around here.

"Yeah Ima have Trent bring it out after I check on Raji." I told him and he nodded going back to his conversation.

So here right now is just our family while we're waiting on our friends to arrive.

Out back is Shameeka, Kylie and some of their close friends they brought.

Trent is enjoying guy talk with some of Taraji's cousins from her dads side with Adam. While Kurt is hugged up on the patio with Keisha who seems to be enjoying the attention since Laylah is playing with Zoe, Adriana and Morgan in the pool.

We made sure to have someone watch the two of them so they won't go in too deep since Morgan and Zoe weren't really paying them any attention.

I walked into the kitchen where our mothers were along with our aunts cooking all the food. Some were making salads, seasoning meat and some other shit I don't even know.

"Ma, dads waiting on the meat." I told her

"Child I'm almost done, I'll send someone to them." She said going back to her conversation

I went over to my grandmother who was talking to my baby. They were giggling and shit when they saw me come over.

"Hey mama, what y'all talking about?" I asked as I sat down next to Taraji and I started rubbing on her stomach. She's been having a lot of those contractions lately, makes me wonder if my seeds are about to make their debut into the world.

"About you. Remember when I used to change your diapers and you would take them off and walk around with your little tic tac all over the place." They laughed at me and I smirked

"Ain't nothing little over here mama, ask Taraji she knows." I joked and Taraji almost choked on her water and my grandmother rubbed her back.

"Nice comeback..." Nana laughed out and Taraji calmed down

"Anyways Ima go check on something, the ladies are almost done and my dads about to grill the meat." I filled them in then kissed Taraji's cheek before heading upstairs to our bedroom.

I went over to my draw on my side of the bed and took it out then made sure it was still intact and then I shoved it in the pocket of my shorts before anyone see's.

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