Chapter 3

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"Taraji POV"

A Week later

Monday 06:30am

"Zoe come on get up and get ready for school baby, breakfast will be ready soon." I said to my daughter as I stepped into her room in our penthouse that was on the very last floor at the top of the building.

The only reason why we live in a penthouse is because I love the view and because it is very safe and secluded also this is my building. Well technically my dads but I have shares in it so yeah.

"5 more minutes mommy, I promise." She whined as I pulled her curtains open and I sighed as yet another memory of her father ran through my mind.

He always used to complain when I'd wake him for work in the morning and he'd get so irritated that he'd throw me with pillows but missed because of how drowsy he was.

At the time my father approved of me living in his penthouse with him and his parents loved me so they didn't think there was anything wrong with us living together and also when we got engaged our parents threw us this huge engagement party that I almost thought it was our wedding because of the amount of people who attended. Right now my dad hates him tho and I feel sorry for him if my dad ever see's him, I told my family about our encounter and everything that we said to each other as soon as Zoe went to play with her cousin in the play room at my parents home.

My mother was telling me how I should hear him out and I should let him be in Zoe's life because she deserves to have her father like I have mine so I agreed but my dad and my brother on the other hand wanted to rock up at his house and kill him or something but I stopped their evil thoughts just in time. He called me a couple of days after our first meeting and asked if he could meet me for breakfast to discuss some things about Zoe and also about the job offer for me and I agreed to meet him. So now I'm getting ready to meet him after I drop Zoe off at school. I quickly walked back over to Zo's bed and pulled the covers off her face and she groaned getting up sliding her feet into her slippers then she walked over to her bathroom to do her morning routine while I picked out an outfit for her.

Half and hour later

"Here's your breakfast sweety." I said as Zoe sat down at the counter and I slid her a plate.

"Thank you mommy." She said as she leaned over and kissed my cheek and I sat down next to her and drank my coffee

"You not eating mommy?" She asked

"No baby, I'll just have breakfast after I drop you off at school" I told her which was half a lie because god knows I hate lying to my baby girl, imagine me telling her I'm meeting her father for breakfast after I told her that he was no longer with us

"You look really pretty today mommy." She said

"Thank you baby, I'm meeting my soon to be boss later on and I have to look professional." I said

"Oh, is it a boy or a girl." She asked and I smirked at my nosy child

"That is something that I cannot discuss with my nosy daughter." I said then kissed her forehead

"Eat up baby, we're leaving soon cause I would hate to end up in heavy traffic." I said

"Ooh can we take the Jeep today mama?" She asked

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