Chapter 13

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"Lucious POV"

A Week Later

The Lyon Residence

"Mira Hurry up we're going to be late." I yelled as I stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting.

"Just a second!"

So Today is Mira's appointment and we're going to find out the gender of the baby which I've come to realize is really mine after all. The time table adds up so I know for sure its my baby and I'm not going to deny it anymore.

I haven't really heard from Taraji all week since I've been home more to take care of Mira and the baby. I don't know if Taraji's mad at me or not but I'm going over there to see Zoe and also to check up on Raji.

"Finally." I said as Mira came down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever wearing a floral sundress.

"You ready?" I asked as I helped her down the stairs.

"Yeah." She nodded

"You took your pills right?" I asked

"Yes I did Lucious now can you calm down, and get away from me I'm hot." She snapped at me as she fanned herself.

I swear pregnant women and their hormones are gonna make men kill themselves. One minute she's trying to seduce me and the next she hates my guts. Thank god I only want one women though. Taraji is all I need and I'm not about to make a mistake this time. I just hope she's not mad when she finds out that Mira really is having my baby.

I locked the house up and made sure the alarm was on before I helped her to our waiting car and slid in next to her as Webb shut my door.

He drove us as Jerome was in the passenger seat.

At the appointment

Dr Scott walked into the room with her equipment getting ready for the sonogram.

She walked over to us with a smile.

"Ready Ms Pak?" She asked

"As ready as ever." She replied with a smile.

"Are you the father sir?" She asked looking over at me.

"Yes I am, I'm Lucious Lyon nice to meet you." I reached my hand out

"I'm Dr Melanie Scott nice to meet you as well." We shook hands

"Alright then let's get started." She said

She told Mira to expose her stomach then placed this squishy jelly type of stuff on her belly. She then took the wand and moved it around her stomach till a strong heartbeat filled the room causing me to smile really big as Mira started crying.

I mean this is her first time getting this far in a pregnancy since we've tried the last time and after 5 miscarriages we decided to just give up so of course she's emotional.

I wiped her tears and kissed her cheek.

"We're finally getting the baby we've wanted Lucious." She cried into my arms

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