Chapter 10

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"Lucious POV"

Next day


The sounds of fist meeting skin echoed around the small room they put Michael in as I completely tore into his ass and he isn't even trying to fight back.

I snuck out from under Taraji this morning to come and see this fool that hit my baby, I just hope she still asleep and I make it back in time before she wakes up. I do not need her questioning me about my whereabouts.

I had this idiot on my mind all night and I couldn't even sleep thinking about what he did to her.

Last night when I laid in that hospital bed with her and massaged her hair with my fingers I ran them over the the little lump on her head and my blood boiled feeling the stitches.

"You ready to talk now Mikey boy?" I taunted and he spat blood on the floor next to him as he came up

"Fuck you Lucious!!"

"Oh Fuck me huh?"


To the ground he flew again.

"I want answers Michael, why the fuck'd you put your hands on Taraji?!!" I yelled

"Fine man, it's because she chose you asshole. We had plans and you ruined them. Wouldn't you want revenge too?" He asked

"Yeah but I'd never put my hands on a women though. You got me fucked up Michael." I told him

"The moment I found out you were Zoe's father you had me fucked up Lucious. I guess we're even now." He smartly replied with a smirk


"You think this shit is funny? My girl is laid up in a hospital because of you and you think this is funny?" I asked going over to him that was laying on the floor.

"I never meant to hurt her, she just drove me crazy that night. Picturing her with you, the ring and Zoe always talking bout 'My daddy this and My daddy that' it drove me crazy because before she met up wit you we were perfect. We were gonna get married and start a family. You ruined my life and I fucking hate you." He said to me as he sat up straight against a wall breathing kinda heavy then he stood to his feet again

I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Maybe knocking him while he's down isn't the right thing to do.

I looked down at my messed up hand from beating this clown. Shit! Raji will definitely know now.

"Well now that I got my answer I think I'm gonna head up out of here. Have a great day Michael." I said walking out without even looking at him.

"FUCK MAN" he said punching the wall

An Hour later

Pulling up into the Hospital parking lot I parked and grabbed her breakfast and my phone off the passenger seat and got out locking my car. I looked down at my bandaged hand then back up and began walking towards the entrance.

As I entered through the doors and made my way to her room I saw two police officers standing by her door.

"Mr Lyon?"

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