Chapter 18

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"Taraji POV"

'At the hospital'

"How is he?" I ran towards Lucious's family as they sat in the private waiting area.

"They won't tell us anything else Raji, they just said he's in surgery and we have to wait for an update." His dad said as he had his wife cradled in his arms.

"Well what happened then?" I asked as I hugged Lucious's sister as she cried

Lucious's brother sat with his daughter on his lap and his wife laid on his shoulder as they sat on the separate couch.

"A truck drove into their car. The truck driver wasn't paying attention to the road, he was on his cell phone. Webb is dead and Lucious and Mira are in surgery." Kylie rambled as I hugged her

"He'll be okay. We just gotta pray." Lucas said

"I'll get us some coffee." Kurt got up and handed Laylah to his wife. He left the room with a few tears in his eyes so he obviously has been crying

"They said Mira lost the baby." His mother cried out and my heart broke

"No this can't be happening. I spoke to him on the phone this afternoon." I said as I sat down in a chair as I got a bit drowsy

"Taraji dear are you okay?" Karen asked and Trent brought me a glass of water

They all stood around me except for Keisha who sat looking worried as Laylah laid on her chest so she couldn't get up. I rubbed my belly as I felt the babies start moving a little. Can that really happen at 3 months.

"I'm okay I'm just..." I got cut off as Karen placed her hand on my stomach

"Taraji baby, you're pregnant?" She asked and I looked up into her eyes

"I'm sorry..." I cried out

"No sweety don't cry, why didn't you tell us. Does he know?" She asked

The look on my face said it all as she came over and brought me into her arms.

"We'll get through this baby don't worry okay. He'll be just fine and you'll get to tell him." She said as she rubbed my back

They all didn't really seem surprised that I was pregnant. I think what surprised them was that Lucious didn't know and that he and Mira was together.

"What if he doesn't get to a chance to meet his children mama?" I sobbed into her embrace as we cried together

"Don't worry about that. My baby is a fighter. He won't give up easily." She said

Lucas came over and hugged us both to comfort us and soon the rest of them huddled around us and we made a group hug then we prayed for them.

I just hope everything goes well with the surgery.

'3 hours later

Three hours passed and the doctor still hasn't given us any updates on Lucious and Mira's conditions.

Mira's family sat across from us in the private waiting room outside their operating room doors so that the media didn't get involved in any way.

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