Chapter 14

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Lucious POV"

'The Henson Residence'

2 Days Later 08:49

I stood in Taraji's living room waiting for Zoe to finish her breakfast as Taraji's friend Mya packed her lunch.

I came a bit early in hopes of speaking to Taraji but it seems as if she's avoiding me for obvious reasons.

Mya opened the door for me when I came and that's strange because why would she be here this early on a work day? None of Taraji's friends are ever here when I pick Zoe up for school in the morning when its my turn to take her.

Also when I was about to ask her about where Taraji was she just simply said that Taraji didn't want to be bothered but she'd said it with so much attitude though.

So instead I tried keeping conversation with Zoe but she'd just keep her answers short and simple.

Which is also strange because usually whenever she see's me she talks my ears off.

Now I really want to know what Taraji said to her and why all of a sudden she looks at me like I've tried killing her mother.

After waiting on Zoe for almost a half an hour she was finally done and we were out the door after Mya slammed it shut before I could even utter a simple goodbye to her.

So damn rude right?

I deserve it though, I mean I played with Taraji's heart again after I made all those promises to her about us finally being a family. So obviously her friends are gonna feel some type of way about their friend getting played.

I helped Zoe into the back of my Bentley since she refused to sit in the passenger seat.

I sighed as I got into the drivers seat and drove off.

In The Car

"So did you have a good time with grandma yesterday?" I asked hoping to uplift her spirits a bit.

I checked the rear view mirror and I saw that her eyes had lit up for a second as she probably thought about the stuff she did at my moms house yesterday but then she went back to moping as she looked out the window after mumbling a quick yes daddy.

'That's it!' I thought as I stopped the car on the side of the road. Its actually just down the road from her school but I really need to talk to her right now.

I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car going around to her door.

"Passenger seat right now." I calmly told her and she complied.

I got back into the car and faced her.

"Zo Zo what's wrong sweety?" I asked her

She didn't want to look up but she did.

"Nothings wrong daddy." She softly told me keeping her head down.

"What I tell you about this head of yours being down?" I asked lifting her chin and she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes of hers that made me almost buy her a damn car for her birthday.

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