Chapter 12

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"Lucious POV"

'2 weeks later'

At the Courthouse

I held Taraji's hand tightly in mine as we made our way into the courthouse where her lawyer told us to go to. We spotted her family and her friends Gabby, Mya and Lauren.

"My baby." Her mother said coming over to her giving her a hug.

"Hi mama." She greeted then hugged her dad next.

"I'm praying for you baby girl." He said "Hey Lucious." He shook my hand and so did her brother.

"Sup." He said and she hugged her friends next.

We walked into the courtroom and her family went to take their seats where we were going to be sitting.

"I'll be right here behind you okay, Marvin said he's here already. His on his way baby." I told her then pecked her lips and kissed her cheek before we parted ways.

Her lawyer came in and shook my hand then went over to her and they spoke.

I saw her nod then she looked over to the other side of the room where they were bringing Michael into the room.

She looked over to me and I gave her a sympathetic smile and she mouthed I love you. I told her I loved her too then she gave me a small smile before turning back to her lawyer.

As soon as everyone took their seats an officer came in and announced that the judge would be coming in.

Long story short Michael denied everything at first and pleaded not guilty. What kind of shit is that. I had faith in Raji's lawyer though.

He really came through when he brought out the evidence and surveillance footage of the incident.

The judge was on Raji's side and I was thankful. In the end Michael got 10 years in prison without parole. He looked over at Taraji with fury in his eyes.

"So you just gone sit there and allow them to put me in prison!!!" He yelled at her and she flinched

"Say something bitch!!!"

"Aye you better calm down homie, I'm not going to let you talk to her like that." I told him as they lead him out.

"Fuck you Lucious." Was the last thing he said.

Taraji had tears in her eyes as she came over to me. She ran straight into my arms hugging my neck while her tears stained my shirt.

"Everything is going to be fine okay." I said into her hairline.

"No its not Lucious, what if he comes back someday for revenge." She mumbled into my neck.

"He can't do shit that I can't protect you from." I told her as I rubbed her back.

"You'll protect me?" She asked looking up

"You know I'll always be here for you Raji."

"Promise." She looked into my eyes

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