Chapter 7

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"Taraji POV"


5 months later


My hand traced shapes on his chest as I rested my head against him with my leg resting between his. His hand ran up and down my back sending chills down my spine.

As soon as my eyes fluttered open I noticed that we were both naked and the structure of the body I was resting on was not my boyfriend's.

He brought my hand up to his lips and placed a lingering kiss on it.

His greenish hazel eyes met mine and our lips met as my mind immediately drifted off to what led us to this position.


"At Empire"

5 hours earlier

I walked down the halls on the last floor of the building carrying a few files that needed Lucious's signature. These past few months have been crazy as hell.

A lot has happened. My dad finally forgave Lucious. His fiancée left him although she never really broke things off with him, she just kinda stayed away since that day she left him the note. Yeah he told me about the note about wanting a break. I thought he was joking but Zoe told me that she never met her and Zoe spends a lot of time with him at his house. I also rekindled with Lucious parents.

They told me that they understood why I left and that they weren't angry at my actions. In fact his mother told me that she would've done the same thing had it been her in such a position.

Everything was falling into place. Except Michael's place in my life though, I noticed him getting really jealous lately. He'd throw hints here and there about how Zoe didn't need to go over to her father's house so much and I hated it. He gets really insecure these days its pathetic.

I walked towards the end of the hall as I inched closer and closer to Lucious office. As soon as I got there I saw him sitting at his desk looking out of the huge bay windows twirling what looked like a ring between his fingers that was attached to the chain around his neck. I knocked to get his attention and as if I brought him out of a daze he quickly tucked the chain in his shirt and gave me his attention.

"Raji what are you doing here this late? I thought you've already left." He asked me as he remained seated and gestured for me to come in.

I walked around his desk and placed the file on his desk in front of him then I took a seat in one of the chairs across from him.

"Zoe is at my parent's house and Michael and I aren't talking right now so... Here I am taking care of a few last minute contracts." I explained and he nodded as he signed them.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked and he looked up at me and nodded as he gave me all his attention tapping his pen against the desk

"What was that around your neck?" I asked him and his eyes left mine

"Nothing." He simply said going back to signing the papers.

I put my hand on his that had the pen in it and he looked up at me. His hand slowly left mine as his hand went into the top of his shirt and he pulled out the chain and my eyes saw something I thought I'd never see again.

Love not Lost, Just found. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now