Chapter 9

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"3rd Person"

He quickly pressed the lock button on his keypad to lock his car then grabbed his daughter's hand. He strolled into the building greeting the many guards around then he made his way to the elevator next.

As soon as he got off the elevator he told his daughter to go and look for Zoe who was probably in the game room as always.

He removed his shades from his face then made his way to the living room in search of Taraji.

"Taraji?" He called out but no reply met his ears

He walked into the living room of the apartment immediately seeing her laying on the floor nearly unconscious.

"What the fuck did you do to her?"  He yelled seeing her on the floor and her boyfriend standing over her.

He ran over to her pushing him away from her. He tried waking her but unfortunately she was unconscious. He picked her up from the floor and gently placed her on the couch.

"Look man it isn't what it looks like." Michael said walking towards him.

"Yeah whatever fuck off I'm calling the cops on your ass." Thomas replied getting his phone out of his pocket only for it to be knocked onto the floor next to him.

"Not a good idea man." Michael said to him.

He looked down then back up into Michael's face and could immediately see that this wasn't the same dude he was used to. He looked like he lost his mind. A complete mad man stood in front of him and he didn't know how he was going to get out of this situation with a women and two kids in the house. He prayed to god the kids wouldn't come from the game room anytime soon.

"Yo man what the fuck is your problem." Thomas asked him as he took a few steps back to pick up his phone from the floor.

"Why did you even do this?" Thomas asked next trying to get answers from him to piece things together.

"She fucking left me Thomas!!!" He yelled in his .

"So what. Its not even a big deal dude." He said to Michael.

"So if your wife left you to go back to her ex you'd be okay with it?" Michael asked wiping his eyes a little.

"Of course not but that's different Mike. And what are you talking about anyways." Thomas asked him going to Taraji's side to aid her.

"She left me Thomas, she fucking left me for him. And there's nothing I can do about it." Michael yelled at Thomas then put his head in his hands

Thomas checked for a pulse then searched for any injuries. He noticed a little blood seeping from a spot on her head and immediately began panicking thinking the worst as he began calling an ambulance.

"She hit her head, you idiot. Get away from her." He yelled pushing Michael away from her

( 📌A/N BTW Thomas is Mya's husband one of Taraji's best friends )

Couple of hours later

So the ambulance arrived about a half an hour after Thomas called them along with the police that took Michael in for questioning. Thomas had his wife organize Zoe's nanny to go and look after the girls while everyone went to the hospital to be there for Taraji.

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