Chapter 20

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"Taraji POV"

A week later

11:29 am

Walking into the hospital I greeted almost everyone since they all know me from being here everyday for the past few months.

Today Lucious gets to finally go home since he has fully recovered from the accident. He just gets pains in his back and he still has the casts on.

His doctor said that he needs to come back in two weeks time to get it removed then he'll be good to go.

But for now he has to use a wheel chair since he won't be able to use crutches with one arm. A couple of days after he awoke he asked me to take care of him when he gets out of hospital and of course me being me I agreed.

He said that he didn't want his family surrounding him so they agreed to give him space for the time being so that he can get back to his normal self.

I noticed that he hasn't been the same and the death of his then soon to be family really broke him to his core even though he doesn't want to admit it.

I went up the elevator to his private floor which was the last floor and I knocked on his door to get his attention since he was looking out of the window.

I wonder what's going through his mind right now...

"Hey, you ready to head home?" I asked him as I walked over to his bed with the bag of fresh clothes for him.

"Yeah, I just need to take a shower though. I hate this damn hospital gown." He said with a slight chuckle as he got up

Pain written all over his face as he gripped his right shoulder with his left hand.

I rushed over to him and helped him back down to the bed.

"Are you okay? Did you take your meds yet?" I let out all at once as I massaged his shoulder

"I'm fine, thanks." He kept it short as he looked up at me

"Can you help me take a shower again please? You know I don't feel comfortable with that nurse." He asked

"Yeah come on." I helped him up and into the attached large bathroom

I sat him down on the built in bench in the shower and got his Tom Ford shower gel from his bag along with his sponge

He looked up at me as I helped him take his T-shirt off.  

"What?" I looked at him weirdly as I turned the shower on, hot just the way he liked it.

"Nothing, you look beautiful today." He complimented as he put his hand on my baby bump.

"Thank you." I said as I started washing his chest after I helped him remove his socks since he was in a hospital gown so he wasn't wearing any pants.

"You find out the genders yet?" He asked me as I started washing his chest

"No I didn't." I said

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