Chapter 11

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"Taraji POV"

Couple of days later

My doctor walked into my hospital room with her clipboard in hand. She immediately grabbed our attention as Lucious, my mother and I looked up at her waiting on her to speak.

'Please tell me I can go home now' I thought as I sat up in my bed.

"Good Morning." She greeted us and we all greeted back with wide smiles hoping for good news.

"Well Mrs Lyon your wounds have healed tremendously, your head seems to have healed too and in a few more days the stitches can come out. Now you will have to take pills to reduce the pain from time to time but that's about it. I'm going to go and get your papers so you can go home." She told me with a smile and I thanked god I was finally about to go home

Lucious kissed my forehead as my mom stood talking to my doctor.

"You want to go to my place when you get out of here?" He asked

"I would but I really want my bed back."

"Alright then." He looked disappointed but shrugged it off anyway.

About a half an hour later I got my discharge papers, got dressed and I was on my way with Lucious and my mom. We picked Zoe up from Lucious's parents house, dropped my mom off at hers then Lucious drove us to my penthouse.

In the car

"So mommy?" Zoe broke the silence

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Are we going home now or to daddy's?" She asked me

"We're going home baby." I told her

"And what about your head?"

"My head is going to be just fine sweety, mommy just needs to take pills for the pain that's it." I explained to her and she nodded then started telling Lucious about her day at her grandparents

He looked over at me from time to time as he drove before shifting his eyes back on the road.

"Straight home or would you like to grab something to eat first?" He asked me

"If we have time to grab something to eat then yeah that'd be great." I replied with a soft smile

"Okay then." He said

Zoe occupied herself with her tablet while she had her headphones in her ears too doing whatever she does on that thing.

"So what you have a taste for?"

"I really want some seafood right now." I replied rubbing my stomach

"Anything for you my future wife." He told me with a smirk as he put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it. We stopped at a red light 🚦

"Future wife huh?" I asked him 

"Hell yeah, I can't wait to put a ring on this finger." He said grabbing my left hand and running his thumb over my ring finger.

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