Chapter 19

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"3rd Person"

3 Months Later

Three months went by like clock work as Lucious showed them that he indeed was the fighter his mother painted him to be.

The family believed in him recovering very soon.

He had recovered from the head injuries pretty quickly. The only thing that hadn't heeled yet was his leg and his right arm that had a cast on. The doctor told them that the casts could be removed in a month.

Taraji and Zoe spent most of their days at the hospital when Zoe didn't go to school and Taraji hadn't even been back to work yet.

Lucious's mother came every day along with Kylie, Trent and Lucas since Kurt had to take care of Empire for Lucious and he couldn't be there everyday.

They spent all day with him as he made movements indicating that he would be awakening sooner than they thought.

The past three months have been crazy. Taraji is now 6 months pregnant and her belly keeps on growing everyday.

She didn't want to know the gender of the babies just yet though because she wanted Lucious to be there with her when she did.

Now Mira on the other hand didn't make a good recovery, her parents decided to pull the plug last month. She made no improvements at all. The doctors tried everything and still no change happened.

Even though Taraji and her weren't on the same page. Taraji and Zoe as well as Lucious's family attended the funeral. It was the saddest thing in the world watching the little casket go down into the crown next to his mothers.

Taraji got so sick that she needed to be on bed rest for two weeks after that. Her heart couldn't deal with seeing a mother and infant get buried besides each other.

She was sure that Lucious would lose his mind seeing those caskets going into the ground like that.

After everything happened so fast Mira's family had no reason to be in America so they went back home to Asia after giving the family a piece of their mind.

And Zoe has been really depressed lately. She's been getting into fights at school because word got out that her dad was in the hospital so kids started making fun of her. Kids today are so cruel. She whooped each and every kids ass that did though. She rode hard for her daddy. Which is why she's been expelled from her private school.

And with Taraji stressing so much. She just decided to get her a private tutor till they can find a new good school for Zoe.

"Lucious POV"

Darkness was all I saw as I tried opening my eyes. Then out of nowhere a bright light shines in my face and I struggle to readjust my eyes.

After finally getting a hang of it I open my eyes and I notice I'm in a hospital bed with all sorts of wires and monitors hooked up to me.

Something heavy on my left arm catches my attention as I attempt to sit up only to fall back down again. I see that its Taraji and she's asleep holding onto my arm and I see Zoe curled up on a couch in the corner of the room.

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