Chapter 15

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"Taraji POV"

A week later


"Zoe baby make sure you have everything daddy's coming to pick you up in a few." I said to my now sulking daughter as she picked her shoes up from the floor beside the couch as I stood in the kitchen making her a plate of the breakfast I just cooked.

"Am I going to school today mommy?" She looked up into my eyes.

"Yip, your dad is going to take you to school then drop your things off at his house for you so you don't have to come back for anything." I explained to her and she nodded with a frown on her face

"Don't be sad baby, you'll be right here with me and Duke on Sunday." I kissed her forehead squeezing her cheeks

"And the babies." She smiled up at me before lifting my T-shirt and kissing my belly

"Yes baby and the babies." I kissed the crown of her head before she ran off to her room to finish packing her overnight bag.

"Go ahead and get your stuff ready okay." I said walking to the living room.

"Okay mommy." Her little feet ran off towards her room

Ever since I told Zoe I was having twins she's been on cloud 9 and I'm so glad she feels that way.

She's been in big sister mode and every time we go shopping she picks out baby clothes for her siblings.

I'm extremely happy that she's cool with it though because I remember when my mom was pregnant with my sister and I was extra salty.

I swear I tried to drown my sister in our pool a couple of times when we were younger. 😅

As long as Zoe is cool with me having two babies I don't care about anyone else. Well except my stupid baby daddy of course.

I still haven't told him yet and its starting to make me feel kinda guilty. I don't want him to be with me just because I'm pregnant with his babies cause then I'll feel like its forced and I don't want that at all.

Zoe wants me to tell him so that we can be a family but it just doesn't feel right.

Oh and the reason she's sulking actually is because I told her I have an appointment and she has school so she's upset right now but she'll get over it.

Anyway, I walked into the living room, picked up the remote and switched on the news while I wait on Lucious to arrive.

I got an incoming phone call from my doorman and answered it telling him to let Lucious up.

About 5 minutes later Lucious came through the elevator doors with a bouquet of red roses and a box of chocolates in his hands.

He came over and kissed my cheek.

"Good Morning, these are for you." He handed them to me

"To apologize for what happened in your office, I really wish things were simpler than they are now." He said looking down at me with an expression I couldn't read at all

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