Chapter 6

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"Lucious POV"

At Zoe's school

I had just pulled up at the front of Zoe's school when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was my father. I quickly answered the call and put the phone up to my ear.

"Good afternoon pops." I greeted

"Hey son, I'm not interrupting am I?" My father asked. 

"No not at all dad, something wrong?" I asked and waited for my father to speak.

"No nothings wrong, your mother wanted to know if you're bringing our granddaughter so we could meet her." My dad said to me and I let out a chuckle.

"I'm actually picking her up from school right now dad. I was planning on bringing her later for dinner so everyone can meet her together." I said

"That's great boy, and don't forget to invite Taraji. You can bring that white Asian girl of yours too." I heard my mom say in the background and I laughed at her.

Quickly I said my goodbyes and hung up on my parents. The bell rang indicating that the school was dismissed and all the kids ran out like hooligans. About 5 minutes later after everyone was gone Zoe walked out talking to her friends and the one came with her toward my Range Rover.

"Hey daddy, this is my friend Morgan. Morgan this is my dad." Zoe said kissing my cheek

I said hey to her friend then put their backpacks in the trunk assuming that I'm taking this kid home.

Zoe climbed into the passenger seat and her friend in the back. I slid into the drivers seat, put on my shades and buckled up. I caught her friend looking at us like we were some crazy people then I looked to my right and noticed Zoe and I were doing the exact same things in sync without skipping a beat as we both reached to turn on the stereo.

"I control the stereo in the car." We both said in unision as we looked at each other then busted out laughing. The little Morgan kid included.

"Knew my kids would be like me one day." I mumbled to myself as I started driving.

"So where to Miss Morgan?" I asked

"Oh dad she lives across the road from grandma and gramps. I'll just put her address in the GPS for you." Zoe said getting to work.

"Grandma says she has something for me, you mind if we go in to say hi daddy?" She asked me and I couldn't say no to those cute little eyes of hers that mirrored my own.

I agreed then started driving following the directions as they came. We all bopped our heads to the music and I stopped at the drive through of McDonald's to grab the kids something quick to eat. I remember my days of school and how I'd be so hungry I could eat everything in my mothers kitchen after a long day of learning different things.

"Alright what do you girls have a taste for?" I asked them.

"I could get anything right now daddy." Zo replied and her friend agreed.

I ordered them simple burger meals with fries and a coke and got one for myself too. We waited for about 10 before our food was ready, I paid for our food and  quickly collected and drove off.

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