Chapter 17

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"Taraji POV"

Few Weeks later

Saturday 14:32 pm

"Taraji you haven't seen her in months. She's been asking about you a lot lately. You better bring your ass girl." My mom said over the phone.

Today is my grandma Ruth's 70th birthday. My mom told me that she's having a party later today and she wants us there. So my baby girl and I will be going to wish my Nana a happy birthday. After I pick her up from soccer practice though. I am not in the mood for my nosey family members asking about my pregnancy this early.

"Okay mama, I'll be there." I answered her as I stopped at a red light.

Looking to my right I saw a black Porsche and this cute guy that was driving looked right at me with a smile admiring my white Lamborghini Urus. I looked over at him with a smirk then turned my attention back to my mother that I wasn't even listening to. I drove off as soon as the light turned green.

"Yeah okay... No I'm picking Zoe up from soccer practice right now... We'll probably go have some lunch first then head home for a shower." I told her

"Okay mama, I love you. Bye." I hung up then tossed my phone on the passenger seat.

I pulled up in front of the private soccer club facility and I saw my baby girl standing there with her sports bag over her shoulder wearing her soccer kit and a pair of black Gucci slides looking down at her phone.

I honked the horn to get her attention and she looked up at me. I pulled up in front of her and hopped out to help her. After putting her bag in the trunk she slid into the passenger seat and I got back into the drivers side.

She immediately lifted my T-shirt and placed kisses on my round growing belly. She didn't even greet me first before she started talking to her siblings.

"Hi baby sisters, this is your big sister again. I know your probably thinking why does she talk to me so many times of the day but I just want you to know that I talk to you because I love you guys so much." She gushed rubbing my belly.

I smiled at her anyways, she looked up at me then pecked my lips.

"Hi mommy." She smiled up at me then went straight for the aux.

The drive home consisted of her singing and me humming to our favourite songs.

We quickly grabbed something quick to eat then freshened up and headed to my grandmothers house on the coast of LA.

When we arrived the place was packed with my family members who weren't surprised that I was pregnant actually.

That damn mother of mine that can't hold water. 🙄

The way my grandmother told me how excited she was to welcome more great grandchildren into the world warmed my heart. I love her so much.❤

Time to get our party on. 😂 No drinks for me though...😥

"Lucious POV"

'At Empire'

So I'm on my way to the first floor to head home in time for Mira's last appointment before our son gets here. She's been really cranky lately which doesn't surprise me much because I read that women start hating the father of the baby because of the pain they endure in order to bring the child into the world.

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