Chapter 16

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(Quick reminder : Mira is 8 months pregnant and Taraji is 2 months.

"Taraji POV"

A month later

'At the Lyon Residence'

"You are not getting her a damn Horse Lucious." I rolled my eyes at this damn fool as I stood in front of his desk.

We are currently in his home office discussing gifts for Zoe. She got this really cool award at school and we wanted to reward her for her hard work.

My baby is totally following in her mothers footsteps. Straight A's is hard to get when doing all those hard subjects at the same time. I'm so proud of her.

So Lucious wants to get her a horse instead of something simple like a new phone or something. Yep its a no from me dawg.

"Why not? Come on that'll be so cool." He probed and I wanted to smack him upside his head for even suggesting it. We already have a dog at home and now this idiot wants to take it to the next level.

"Are you for real? And where do you plan on keeping this horse?" I asked his dumb ass

"Here, there's plenty of space Raji. We can build a stable and a track and it still won't be in the way. Come on she's gonna love it." He tried to convince me with those sexy eyes of his.

"Why do I have the feeling that you planned this before I even came over here?"

"Okay you got me, I've been thinking about it for quite sometime now. But still though what you think?" He smirked my way

"You're not getting her a horse Lucious, she's 10 years old. The hell is she gonna do with a horse at her age?" I asked him rolling my eyes a little

"Fine I give up. So what you wanna get her?" He asked me

"I don't know, what doesn't she have?" I asked and I thought about it. That girl is so spoiled there isn't one thing I can think about that she wants

"How bout we just take her shopping and let her shop till she drops." He suggested

"I don't know Lucious, I'm not ready for a family outing with your boo tagging along." I honestly stated

"Nah just us, we can make it a family outing. We haven't been out together in a while now." He said as he looked up at me and I took a seat in one of the chairs because I started getting one of those dizzy spells my doctor told me about.

Suddenly my stomach started doing flips because of that breakfast I had about an hour ago before I came here. I had the urge to throw up. He saw it on my face nds he sat up from his laid back position.

"Baby you okay? You don't look too good." He got up to come around to me

"Your bathroom is in there right?" I asked pointing at the door behind him

"Yeah you okay?" He looked really concerned

I darted up and jetted to the bathroom and emptied my stomachs contents.

A couple of seconds later I felt my hair being held back and soothing rubs on my back that calmed my breathing a little. After I made sure I was done I stood up to rinse my mouth out.

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