Chapter 4

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"Lucious POV"


I released a nervous breath as I entered Taraji's building with Webb following close behind me. I honestly feel like I'm about to pass out because of how nervous I am.

"I got it from here Webb, I don't know how long I'm gonna be so you can head out and I'll drive myself home tonight." I said to him, he nodded then handed me the keys to my Bentley.

"I'll go and check on the Misses." He said then left.

I looked at the elevator then to the other one where a man stood, well the man from Starbucks that guarded Raji.

"Hi, I'm here to see Taraji." I said as I walked over to him, he looked at me for a quick second then nodded

"Mr Lyon is here to see you maim." He said over the phone "Okay." He then pushed the elevator button

"This will take you straight to her penthouse." He said to me and I nodded.

I got on then pushed the button and the numbers climbed as I rocked on my heels. 'Play it cool Lucious, don't cry in front of the girl now L.' My thoughts were interrupted by the elevator ding as the doors opened and there stood the women of my dreams wearing a black Nike sports bra and tights along with the track top and a pair of all black Nike shoes .

"Hey, sorry for my appearance I just got back from my run." She said hugging me

"Zoe is doing her homework in the living room so you can talk to her while I shower, its this way." She said as she lead me to the living room and I followed closely behind her admiring her domain.

"Zo Zo, someone came to see you." She said as she walked into a room and I came in a second later.

"I'm coming mama." She said as she walked from the table towards us and my heart dropped as I looked at the 9 year old girl that looked exactly like me.

"Hi." She said looking at me with an expression that I couldn't read

"Hey." I said to her not really knowing how to approach her.

"Your my dad?" She asked me while looking between me and her mother.

"Yeah baby girl, I'm your dad." I told her.

"Hey uh, you mind if I hug you?" She asked nervously, I immediately nodded and she started running towards me. She jumped into my arms and she started crying in my neck as I cried along with her, then I sank down to the floor with her still in my arms.

"I'll give you guys some space okay." I heard Raji say softly as she knelt down, kissed our baby girls forehead then kissed my cheek and left the living room.

2 hours later...

We just finished having dinner that Taraji prepared and honestly I didn't feel like a stranger to Zoe at all, after dinner I told her that she could ask me as many questions as she wanted to so we moved back to the living room while Raji had work to do in her office down the hall

"So why'd mommy leave then?" She asked me as we sat on the floor of the living room and she was grilling me with questions as we got to know each other.

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