Chapter 4

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~Dick's POV~

I was stunned by the flying boy Batman and I saw.

"That's him!" I whisper yelled to Batman, who is crouched beside me, ready to follow the figure.

"That's the boy who saved me that time I accidentally went through the portal a few years back! The ghost I was being attacked by called him Phantom,or something! But, what's he doing here? I thou-" I got cut off by Batman putting a hand over my mouth.

"Hurry up before we lose him." The man in black commanded in a gruff voice. 

We quickly launched ourselves off the building and followed the boy, using our grappling hooks before either of us plummet to our deaths. 

We lost him after Phantom, I think, rounded a few corners, holding his sides as if in pain.

"We lost him! I really wanted to thank him for saving me back then, though..." I whined like a little kid, minus the fact I'm sixteen. 

"We'll find him. I need to bring him in for questioning about some of the things I read about this 'Phantom'." Batman and I then headed back on patrol, stopping a few muggers and rapist. 

Two of the people we helped were twin boys, which just made me upset 'cause I can barely remember Danny's face from a whopping nine years ago.

Of course I tried to look for him, but it's like he never existed. 

I did, however, find a few pictures about him from his school days, and let me just say, his grades are nothing to brag about. It also seemed he didn't have any social media because I can't find him, although I did see a glimpse of his face in a few pictures by Danny's peers.

The only real thing that peaked my search for Danny was when he and his parents went missing, and were pronounced dead last year with not a trace of them found. 

I really miss my big brother. 

Danny was awesome. 

If we ever got in trouble, he would take the blame to protect me from our parents wrath of grounding. When ever I got hurt, Danny would be there to help me with anything I needed, like when I broke my leg when we were five. I was practicing on the trapeze, it was fairly close to the ground and had a net, and I fell while my leg got caught on the bar. 

Our parents had got a ladder, the training trapeze was only fifteenth to twenty feet up, and got me down. Danny would't leave my side until well after I had the cast off.

I'd also seek into his bed when ever I had a nightmare. Danny just had this protective feeling surrounding him. 

He was always there for me, whether I needed him or not.

I now try to be a good big brother to Damian, Tim, and Jason, but I'll never be as great as Danny.

"Earth to Robin! Would you care to come back to the world of the living?" Tim asked, waving a hand in front of my face. 

"Nah, I think I stay with the dead." I waved him off and went to change.

I heard Tim huff before quietly waking away, probably to talk to Bruce.

'When did we get back?' I sighed and shook my head.

I took off my Robin outfit and put on a red shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

I walked out of the changing room and put my costume away.

I found Tim and Damian talking to Bruce, who also changed, with Jason standing against the wall.

"-ow on, we all shall be investigating this 'Phantom' character. Is that understood?" Bruce demanded. He received agreements of annoyance from around the room.

~Danny's POV~

I was changing into my slightly damp clothes, went I got a bad feeling.

A really bad feeling with a hint of hope.

Hey guys! Hitting ya with a fresh chapter for what's to come! Really hoping you guys are enjoying this book! If not, please tell me what I should fix about it. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 692

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