Chapter 28

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~Thrid POV~With Danny~

They didn't start tomorrow, or the day after. Or the week after for that matter. Things got busy so they put off going out and teaching Dick how to be a ghost.

"So the others don't know about you, right?" Danny asked as Dick led him deep into the woods two hours away from Gotham.

Its been about two weeks after Dick had told Danny about his half death.

"No, I don't really want to tell them until after I got my abilities under better control. I know the basics, like turning invisible and how to not become intangible, but I can't really do it at will. And there's supposed to be other things I can do too, right?" 

"Yeah. Ghosts can also shoot things called ecto-blasts and have certain capabilities depending on their obsessions and cores," Danny answered, stopping when Dick did seemingly pleased with this spot. "I can't do a lot when it comes to showing you what we can do as there may be some ghosts who'll recognize my ecto signature. That's why I had us come so far out. And unless you want a ghost infestation issue, I suggest not to use your abilities to much around one city at a time."

"What are obsessions and cores?" Dick questioned as he sat down on a fallen and rotting tree.

"Obsessions are what keep a ghost going. When one completes their obsession, they'll fade to be reborn or something. A fair amount of ghosts have obsessions like creating things or fighting. Those kind of ghosts will have a harder time completing their obsessions to the point where they'll never be completed and therefore become elder and ancient type of ghosts that are basically permanent residents of the ghost zone. You remember what it looks like, right?" Danny asked looking over at his brother.

"Yeah, green, black, islands, floating doors. What are cores?"

Danny huffed a slightly amused breath before he started to explain, "There are many types of cores. Elemental ones, fire, water, ice, air, earth, growth, gravity, and light are the uncommon with ice being the rarest or the rare. Less than point one percent have that element. There's others too. Technology, battle, creation, entertainment, music, dance, things like that. Your core is the source of ones abilities and their life, well, afterlife anyway. A core determines the type of things you can do. Your strengths and weaknesses, too. An example is as a fire core is weaker than an water core but can use a growths core to create plants to spread their flames. Do you understand what I said, or do I need to go back over something?"

"I think I get it... What's your core?" Dick tilted his head slightly to the side. 

"It's ice. But you should know not to ask ghosts about their deaths or cores unless your extremely close and know them well. Most don't want to remember their past live, let alone what ended them. Some also just don't remember. And asking about someones core is seen as one of the rudest things one could do," Danny answered as he took a seat next to his brother on the tree. 

"Let's go ahead and start on your training and trying to figure out what you core is. Usually you'll find out after using your ghost abilities actively for a couple months so it may be awhile before we know what they are," the older shoo'd the other off the tree to stand a couple feet away. 

"You said you know how to turn invisible, so let us start with that. Then I want you to try to turn certain parts of your body invisible, like you arm and foot-not leg or hand," Danny instructed. 

Dick scowled but does as told and struggled with being, and holding, invisibility on a large part of him and smaller area such as three fingers. 

Danny watched his brother do this for almost three hours, putting his two cents where needed, before he deemed that Dick was okay enough to stop for the day.

"But we were just getting started!" Dick whined, following after his brother as he led them out of the woods.

"Tell that to the darkening sky," Danny replied, pointing a finger to the ever darkening sky.

"Oh, shut the shuck* up," Dick pouted and whacked the others head who just laughed at him.

"Your out on fall break, right?" Danny asked. He was supposed to start -read forced to start- school after school break ended but he couldn't remember if it started this week or next.

"Yeah, we are. You excited for school?" Dick teased and laughed when Danny scowled at him. "I got a hotel room not to far from here. Do you want to get a uber or want to walk? It's about two miles, I think."

"I could do with a walk," Danny replied as he stretched his arms over his head and leaned back to pop his back.

After few minutes, they were out of the woods and walking alongside the road. Dick had put on his sunglasses at the first sign of people. 

Danny didn't have to worry as much about his identity as Bruce was going to introduce him as part of the family next year, preferably. They got the adoption papers done quickly and quietly his first week at the manor.

"Hey, do you want to get ice cream?" Danny gave his twin his best puppy eyes.

"Sure," Dick replied, a soft, lopsided smile on his face.

They end up at an ice cream parlor that's somehow still open despite the cooling weather in the middle of October unlike most others.

Danny got an chocolate cone while Dick opted for a cup of rocky roads. 

They got to the hotel an hour later as they goofed off and stopped at a gas station to get polar pops and snacks.

"We can work on this tomorrow too, right?" Dick asked as he sat down on the bed he'd claimed.

"If you want to. We're expected to be back in two days, right?" Danny looked to his twin for confirmation who nodded in response. "Then how about we use Monday, before we leave, to explore this town for a while. Gotham is kinda cramping my style," Danny grinned. 

"Yeah, we can totally do that!" Dick smiled back. 

Hey guys! I'm really kinda sorry for the way-long overdue update. I've been kinda neglecting Wattpad for AO3 as i've been really into Teen Wolf for the past year plus and there a lot more fics there and stuff... Anyway! If you want to see anything, you gotta tell me. I'm not a mind reader and it's easier for me to get myself to type something when I have an idea of want everyone wants. I'm going to try and get to the Young Justice part before thirty-five chapters. So, anyway, until next time, bye!

I finally got a good pc so I have minecraft now! I much prefer pc to xbox!

Word Count: 1173

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