Chapter 18

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~Third POV~

A groan sounded throughout the Bat-Cave's med-bay, which was quickly followed by three sets of feet racing into the room.

In the room laid Danny Grayson, previously known as Fenton, also known as Phantom, with his younger twin brother standing at the side of the bed.

"He's waking up again..." The younger black haired twin, named Dick, whispered with blue eyes shining in hope that Danny would stay awake this time.

"About time he wakes up. He's been sleeping more than sleeping beauty." A slightly shorter boy, that goes by Jason, commented, to which he received a elbow to the gut from the second to youngest in the house, Tim.

Dick ignored his two adoptive brothers in favor of lifting his biological twin's fragile frame so Danny leaned a bit more up right on the mound of pillows behind him.

A whimper came from Danny as he was set down, face flinching in what seemed to be pain.

"Shh. It's okay, Danny. You're okay. It's me, Dick, your brother." Dick soothed his older sibling, petting his hair.

"Tim, can you dim the lights?" Bruce asked his second youngest son as he moved to the other side of Danny's bed.

Tim quickly nodded, bringing out his hologlove and turning down the lights. 

Danny slowly opened his eyes, closing them slightly, tilting his head to the side as Dick continued to pet Danny's hair and talk to him.

"Come on, Danny. Stay awake for me for a little while, okay? I need you to wake up! I just got you back, don't leave me!" Dick started to cry, burying his head into the crook of Danny's neck.

"I 'on..." Danny's voice was strained as he tried to talk, only to end up coughing. Tim handed Bruce a bottle of water, to which Bruce held for Danny to drink as Dick helped him sit up.

"Come on, Danny. Drink at least a little, okay? Can you do that?" Dick soothed, seeing his brother's reluctance to consume the liquid.

Soon enough, Danny started to drink to bottled water. After a few minutes, he pushed himself away, already drunk about two thirds of the bottle. 

"M'fine." Danny said hazily, moving away from Dick ever so slightly.

"No, you are not! You've been in a coma for just about three weeks, we found you stabbed all over and kidnapped, and, not to mention, you're severely malnourished, and have been for a long time, from the looks of it!" Tim cried out, not going into detail about the scares and a few other things.

The three snapped their heads towards Tim as he spoke, Jason had left to get Alfred.

"Sorry, but, I'll be fine." Danny said, giving Tim a smile.

"Yeah, will be. Until then, you are to stay with someone at all times. Preferably in this room." Bruce spoke in a stern yet soft voice. 

"Figures..." Danny rasped out, leaning back, his back popping in multiple places. 

"Hey! It won't be that bad! At least you can spend time with me and get to know Jason, Damian, Tim, Bruce, Alfred, and, maybe even Wally and Barbara if you're feeling up to it!" Dick cheered with a big smile on his face. 

Danny sighed, a slight smile on his face, and shook his head at Dick.

"Ya know, I just don't get how you can be so peppy." Danny said, trying to keep his words short and sentences shorter in order to not irritate his throat. 

Dick just grins in return. 

"Good to see you're awake, Master Danny. Do you think you will be able to stomachache some soup?" Alfred, the household butler, asked.

Danny was about to reject the offer, not wanting to show just how little he ate, but a quick look at his brother and his brother's family told them they weren't going to take no for an answer in the first place. Danny huffed out a small sigh, giving a slight nod of his head.

Hey guys! I think I'm enjoying writing this book to much... Guess what I did! I decided to choose guitar as one of my electives last year and now I can't even keep up! Way to go, me! Always making sure you don't do something right... Well, now I need to either need to learn to move my hands and not freeze up when I miss a note, or figure out how to drop the class... Yay me... Why do I do this to myself? Anyways, enough self loathing for now, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 742

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