Chapter 16

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~Dick's POV~

After Jason and I got home from school, I went down into the Bat-Cave to see Danny.

"I presume that you'll be doing your homework in the Cave, Master Richard?" Alfred asked, to which I gave a nod before heading down.

"Hey, big bro. Ya feel like waking up today?" I asked the unconscious, black haired, male. 

I received no answer or movement, obviously. 

"Guess not..." I muttered with a sigh, taking a seat on the left side of the bed my twin is residing on. I scooted over towards the small table by the bed and pulled out a few papers for a three thousand worded essay I had to hand write for English class.

I pulled out a pen from a pouch in my backpack and began to write about the similarities and differences between two different characters of the book the class read this week. 

I sat there for about an hour working on my essay and talking to my twin, even though he is in a coma. 

Every once and a while, I'd see Danny's finger, arm, leg, or something twitch as I talked to him. 

Damian and Tim came bounding down the stairs from one of the many secret entrances, yelling at each other, followed by Jason, who imminently ducked into the gym. 

Damian came in the room first, Tim right behind him.

"You still here? Alfred said you came right down again." Tim said, taking a seat on the chair on the opposite side of the bed. 

"Well, what do expect? He's my brother. I do the same for the three of you, you know that." I replied, taking a glance at Damian who stood beside my chair.

"And it is very unnecessary, Grayson." Damian said with a scowl.

"I know, but I like to do it, Dami." smiled, pulling my youngest brother onto my lap, ignoring his struggles. 

"What are you going to do when Danny wakes up? You know there's a good chance he'll freak, especially when he doesn't recognize where he is. But it's not like we can just bring him to a hospital because you said that he's a meta, or something, right? And I'm not to sure Batman's to keen on telling him about our second lives." Tim rambled.

"Tim. Batman and I already discussed this. He said that we can tell Danny. Plus, I don't think he'd really have anyone to tell about us, anyway..." I trailed off.

"What do you mean by that, younger Grayson?" Damian and Tim gave me curious looks, Damian stopped squirming to face me. I thought for a minute, wondering if I should tell them about Danny's scares. And in case you're wondering, no I not to happy being called 'younger Grayson'.

"Tell us or we're going to find out without your help." Tim said, raising up and out of his chair. 

I bit my lip for a second. Well, it's true, they will find out sooner or later anyway...

I sighed and let Damian off of my lap so I could get up. 

"Just, don't freak out, okay." I said, giving my younger siblings a stern look until they nodded.

"Okay then..." I muttered, taking the blanket off of my elder brother. I looked at Tim and Damian, who are giving off impatient and concerning looks. I looked back at my brother's sleeping face before pulling up his shirt, showing off the multiple 'Y' marks on his chest and torso, along with lines that look like they're from a whip and knifes, some burn and other marks are scattered all over his arms, legs, chest, and stomach.

I tore my eyes away from the skin of my twin to see Jason had come in. Jason stumbled back, eyes wide. Tim had a look of horror painted all over his face and body stance. Damian's face is full of anger. Anger towards the people who'd done this to Danny.

"What the plukin'* heck* happened to him?!" Jason spoke in a unusually small voice.

"I wish I knew..." I muttered, pulling Danny's shirt back down and the blanket up.

I wish I knew.

Hey guys! Nope! Danny has not woken up yet. Who knows, I may make you all suffer by waiting another chapter or two without our favorite little halfa. Do you ever want to talk to someone, but then remember you have know one to talk to because you're to shy and introverted to make conversation? Because that's me all summer... Anyway, have an awesome week before school come to ruin it! Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 751

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