Chapter 23

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~Third POV~With Danny~

The next day, a hung over Jason woke up in Danny's one-room apartment. 

"The chuck*?" Jason put a hand to his head as he slowly sat up, leaning on his right arm.

"Danny?" Jason asked, looking about the room. The young male grimaced slightly as his eyes scanned over the walls and items in the room. 

"What?" Jason mumbled when he saw the pile of bags and wallets by the foot of the bed he was currently sitting on. 

The black, with a white streak, haired boy scooted over towards the pile and picked up one of the wallets and went through it. Then another one.

This continued for five minutes until Danny opened the squeaking door with a slight wince at the noise. 

"Oh, you're up. How are you doing? You drank a lot last night." The shorter boy asked while walking into the room and closing the door behind him. 

"Yeah, just a head ache. How about you? I do believe you had at least six more shots than me." Jason responded, putting the item he was examining down beside him. 

"I'm all good. Being half dead has it's perks. Invisibility, intangibility, quick healing factor, little to no hang overs... I'm all good!" Danny gave the younger a grin. 

"Well... That explains a lot, actually." Jason muttered. 

"What do you mean by that?" Danny questioned, taking a seat on top of the toilet's lid. 

"Bruce and Dick made Tim, Damian, and me follow you around to try to find out where you lived. You kept disappearing after going into alleys, restrooms, all that shat*." Jason waved off. "Anyway, what times it?"

Danny huffed in slight annoyance, before looking at his phone for the week.

"13 hundred."

"We'd outa get going then." Jason put his hand on his thighs and pushed himself off the small bed. 

"Yeah... I guess..." Danny mumbled, grabbing his bag that he'd already pack three hours before. 

"Hey, like I told you yesterday, we can help you. Everything we be okay." Jason ruffled Danny's hair, which was quickly swatted away, and headed towards the door. 

"You coming?" The taller asked from the other side of the doorway, hand on the doorknob. 

"Yeah... Yeah! I'm coming!"

Danny took one, last, look about the room, making sure he grabbed everything he needed, before catching up with Jason. 

"So, what are you going to do about the room? You going to keep it or...?" Jason trailed off.

"I didn't have enough to pay rent on time anyway at this rate, so, no, I am not keeping it. I went ahead and signed the papers while you were sleeping." Danny shifted his bag's strap as it was pulling on his long hair. The boy quickly pulled his hair into, what one would call, a man bun.

"Well, unless you drove my bike back here yesterday, then we're going to have to take a little walk." Jason spoke, holding the door to exit the building open as Danny stepped though.

"Guess we're talking a walk."

After a ten minute walk down three blocks, Jason sat on his bike and started the engine. 

"Get on. Don't gotta helmet for either of us, though." Jason said as he motioned Danny to sit on the bike behind him. 

"Don't need one." Danny commented as he sat down and took a hold of Jason's shoulder's.


Fifteen minutes gone by and they were pulling up in the under ground garage for the manor. 

"Hope you're ready 'cause I'm not taking you back now." Jason teased slightly as he got off the motorcycle and ruffed the older's hair.

"Would you stop that!" Danny swatted the hand away again. 

"As long as it annoys you, no, no I will not." Jason grinned. 

Danny huffed before he started following Jason out of the garage and to the front doors of the large building. 

"I'm home and I got a surprise!" Jason shouted upon opening the doors, grabbing Danny's upper arm and pulling him to the living room. 

Hey guys! What's up? How was your Christmas and New Year's?  Hope you enjoyed the special if you read it. And that one person who asked why delete it, it's because it's meant to be a thank you, and Christmas present per say, for those of you reading right now. Thank you all so much for reading this fanfic and until next time, bye!

Question: Do you guys want me to make a Young Justice, Batfamily, Spider-man, or Teen Wolf one-shot book? Would any of you even be interested?

I can't say it would be updated regularly, but if I get enough different requests, then I may be able to update it ever week or two.

Word Count: 796

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