Chapter 21

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~Danny POV~

It's been about a week since I met Eddy. He introduced me to some of his friends, too. Which all of them keep pestering me to sell them some of my coke and weed. 

I try not to give in, but their offering me good money and I really need it, so...

What can I do? 

I would be trying to get out of Gotham, but I can't for multiple reasons:

One, I don't have the money. 

Two, it's probably the safest place right now while I don't know where the Guys In White are. I don't want to risk leaving right this moment if I'm fairly safe here. Besides the kidnapping, of course. 

Three, I don't know where I would even go. 

Four, it was hard enough to rent this room, being a teenager. People be thinkin' you're a party animal and all that. 

Five, where else would I get my supply? 

I just gotta stay low, at least until I can leave, as to stay out of the bats' radar. 

I don't need the guys in white going after them to get me. 

Same reason I can't visit or talk to Sam, Tucker, Dani, Valerie, Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora, everyone. I can't bare to see or hear about them being hurt because of me. 

I refuse to take that chance. 

Not now, not ever. 

"Hey Danny! Ya got any?!" Jace, Eddy said his name was, shouted though my door. 

"Nah, fresh out." I replied, opening the door a bit because I knew he wouldn't just go away. 

"Come on! You said you just got some the other day!" Jace was five eight, barely there black hair, kinda on the bigger side, with a large red shirt, brown jacket, and black... dress pants? 

"Yeah, but you guys sold me out." Not true, but the rest is for me. 

"Whatever." He rolled his brown eyes. "Anyway, Ed and 'em said to see if ya want to go to a party tonight. It's at nine. Ya know the good lookin' house on Advus?" He paused, seeing me nod. That house is the only fairly good looking on that street. Mostly because they're the ones doing all the bad things. 

Or at least the kids are.

"Well, Marc's having a party and I was told to invite you, like I said... Anyway, it's at nine and if you're going, do you need me to get Fran and Ed to get you a ride. They're already picking up someone else on the way. Forgot who though." 

"Yeah, sure I'll go. But I can take myself. Don't need no ride if it's just a few blocks away, ya'know?" I told him, leaning against the door way slightly. 

"Yeah, I get it. I'll let Ed know." Jace then turned around and left as I went back into my apartment to get ready within the next two hours. 

~Time Skip To Party~

As I walked in, I immediately saw Izy, Rocks, and Ed standing by the couch. Around, I'd say, thirty people here. Most already smoking some weed, took some cocaine, or snorting some cotton candy, if you get what I mean. 

Long story short, everyone here is jacked up on something, including alcohol. 

I quickly went into the kitchen to grab a red solo cup and Jack Daniel's. I took a open bottle and dumped it into the cup cuz I don't care if it's spiked or not cuz I don't plan on remembering much of tonight tomorrow. 

Forget about all my problems for awhile, ya'know?

~Third POV~

After Danny got his cup, he went over to a guy he knew named Kizzer to get some cigarettes, as he was almost never caught without any on him. 

"Hey, Kiz!" Danny greeted with a wave. 

"Dan-ma-man! How've you been?" Danny slightly flinched at the name, but it went un-cared for. Kizzer was an inch taller than Danny with short black hair, black eyes, and always dresses fairly nice.

Kizzer swung an arm around Danny's shoulder's, clearly a clingy drunk. 

"Ya should cut your hair, ya know? It's like, waaay to long!" Kizzer made exaggerated motions with his arms, as the shorter shook his head in fondness. He knew Kizzer from the previous party's he'd been to. 

And he knew he should cut his shoulder length hair, but had no one to do so. Instead he typically just had it in a low ponytail or man-bun. 

"Maybe I like it this way." Danny retorted, pouting slightly. 

"Danny, look at me in the eye man." Kizzer grabbed the boy by the shoulder's and pushed him back slightly, suddenly serious. "Tell me you like your hair as long as it is." 

"I like it how it is." Danny said, looking the other straight into the eye with a stone-cold face. 

"Fair enough." Kizzer ducked his head down. "I still think you should cut it though." The male grinned before side hugging Danny again. 

"Over course you do..." 

Hey guys! I need you guys to comment on what you want to see in this story so I know what to do with it! Do you know how hard it is to have no help writing these stories?! Do you?! So. Help. MEEEE! Y'all are the ones wanting to read this! It took me a bloody month to think of this! Send your ideas in please!! Come on! Be a good reader and tell me what the heck you want me to write! Ahem. Anyway, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 921

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