Chapter 15

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~Dick's POV~

It's been two days since we found Danny. 

Bruce and I haven't really told Jason, Damian, or Tim anything about him, or us, being ghosts. 

I don't feel like trying to explain everything when I myself have no clue about them.

Danny's been healing fairly, considering that he's in a coma for two days now, malnourished, inflected with stab wounds, and other injury's, although, more minor. 

We have him hooked up to an IV drip to help Danny get more nutrients because he obviously needs it. 

But there's one thing though. When Bruce and Alfred took Danny's blood, they found traces of some drug. Although it's more than likely that them people we caught drugged him, along with a few others, it just doesn't sound like the right answer...

"Master Richard, I do believe it is time for you to get ready for school." Alfred spoke, breaking my train of thoughts.

"Why must there be school for one as great as I?" I say, rolling out of my bed and onto the blue      carpet of my bedroom floor.

"Well, I shall leave it to you, master Richard." Alfie left with a chuckle, leaving me laying on the floor, staring at the at the spotless ceiling. 

After a few minutes I got up and grabbed my phone to take a peak at the time. 6:07 in the morning. Don't you just love school when it starts at 7. In. The. Morning.

"Why?!" I groaned, walking over to my dresser, pulling out my school uniform. As I put it one, I made sure the first two buttons are undone so I wouldn't choke. 

I took my homework off of the white and gold desk with a matching chair and put the paper inside of my red and navy backpack.

 Gotham Academy's school colors are red, navy, and black. 

And they like to make their students suffer by waking up so early after a long night of homework and patrol! 

Okay, maybe the last one is debatable... 

My school's uniform is a simple white collared button up with a red jacket and red dress pants. Or you could switch out the red for navy. You have to wear either a red or navy tie, the opposite of your pants and jacket. Shiny black dress shoes are mandatory, unless you're wearing heals. They can be any of the three colors. 

Girls, and boys,I guess, ain't aloud to wear dresses unless there's a school event, like a dance or something.

I heard a loud thump and some yelling, signaling Alfred or Bruce had managed to get Jason up. Or, at least, up enough to start yelling.

I slipped on my backpack and put on the navy blue tie that finishes off my uniform, minus the shoes, which are downstairs. 

I leave my school shoes by the door so that way they are less likely to get messed up. I usually just wear some running shoes or something around the house or out and about.

Once done with the tie, I headed downstairs to the dining room, where two plates of pancakes and fruit are laid out.

I quickly eat and head down to the Bat-Cave to see my brother.

I changed Danny's bandages on his legs and arms. There was a stab wound on his left arm that was pretty bad. It looked like a knife of sorts was lodged there and moved around quite a bit before removal. Not to mention a few areas became infected, although it went away yesterday after we cleaned in out three times that day and the day before.

We still are going to clean the wounds to make sure the infection is, and will stay, gone.

Danny's healing factor is playing a great role in this too. 

Bruce and I have been trying to find out more about Danny and Phantom. So far, nothing much has came up. Just some articles about him as Phantom, which is a mix of good, bad, conspiracies, and questions, mostly about his disappearance. 

A few for the Fenton family too. Most of them are based on why the Fenton's just suddenly vanished, their weird family and career paths, and about Madeline and Jack Fenton's daughter, Jazz. Apparently she was the only Fenton found. Bruce and I have yet to find out what happened to her, but we will sooner or later, I guess...

After I finished checking Danny's vitals and gave him a new I.V. I went back upstairs.

I took a few seconds to pull my phone out of my pocket and turn it on to find out the time, which turned out to be six thirty two.

"Morning Jaybird!" I smiled towards my little brother.

"Why are you so fluffing* cheerful?! It's to blupping* early to be flippin* cheerful!" The black haired boy with a white streak complained, face planting into the couch cushion next to him.

I laughed and patted his head.

"Don't touch me." Came the muffled voice.

Jason wore the navy blue version of our school uniform. He usually has the jacket hanging off one shoulder, the tie not done correctly, and the top three buttons undone. 

Jay gets in trouble a lot in school, including because of his appearance. Half the time Bruce or Alfie ends up being called to pick him up.

But, on the upside, Jason still gets good grades, just like the rest of us.

"Master Richard, Master Jason, please do get in the car before you're late to school.

"Coming Alfred!" I said, grabbing Jason's arm and pulling him up. He's just barely an inch shorter than me at full height.

"Don't wanna." Jason said, trying to pull his arm out of my grip.

"Let go, Dickhead!" The younger gave his arm a yank, but when he pulled back, I had let go of his arm, making him stumble from the momentum. 

"You little!" He yelled then started to chase me as I ran to the car.

"I'm still taller than you!" I called back, ducking into the passenger side beside Alfie and locked the car doors. 

"Not for long!" Jason started yelling and hitting the glass until Alfred unlocked the doors with a sigh.

Hey guys! Did y'all like the chapter? I still don't get why so many of you like this book, but whatever, I guess. Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! Have an awesome month, and, I really don't wanna go back to school! So let me apologize in advance, sorry if I don't update to much. You can blame school and a semester of pointless exercise  for that. Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 1087

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