Chapter 22

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Hey guys! Quick thing here. I'm going to post a Christmas Special on both my stories, (Which will be deleted after Christmas) and I need to know what y'all want. Or if you guys even want one. So let me know!  

~Danny's POV~

Ya know, I have night terrors when I sleep before something bad happens to me within the next twenty four hours. And I think I just found out why I had one last night...

~Third POV~With Danny~

"Hey Danny, can we talk? Yes? Good." Was all the warning the halfa good before being pulled out of the living room and into an empty hallway. 

"Wha-? Who? What do you want?!" Danny finally got out as the other person stopped dragging him away. 

"I want to talk to you so don't be running away. Just want a nice, little, convo." The boy Danny now saw as Jason, spoke.

"And what do you want to talk about? Better yet, why are you here?!" Danny took a few steps back in case he needed to run. 

Jason started, ignoring the second question, "I know I'm not good with people, but let's give this a try," he mumbled. "I'm here to talk about you and your brother, mostly. And just to let you know, we can protect ourselves. That's why you're running, right? To get away from the people who gave you those scars?" Jason asked, attempting to sound as nice and sympathetic as he could. 

"What's it to you?" Danny snarled. 

"We can help you. You don't need to be on the run. You can come with me, with us. With your brother. You know he misses you, right? He's been searching for you non-stop ever since you ran off. Plus, he said there's something he needs to tell you, anyway," the white and black haired teen explained, obviously not really knowing how to get the other to come with him. 

"What does he want to say? And how can you be so sure that you'll be able to protect yourselves?! I don't know what I'd do if they got a hold of one of you guys! This is the exact reason why I left every other city. I don't want them to track me and find those I care for!" The shorter boy yelled, tears welling up in his eyes. "What would happen if they found Dick...? I couldn't live with myself if something happened to him!" 

Jason stood there, stunned slightly by his outburst. 

"You are aware that we battle some of the most dangerous criminal masterminds on a weekly bases, right? I think we can handle ourselves. And if not, we can always call for back up. Just come with me and we can sort this out. Plus, Alfred made cookies, and they're to die for," The younger joked slightly, earning a small smile from the halfa.

"Promise you guys will be fine if they do fine me?" Danny asked in a small voice with big, watery, blue eyes.

"Promise," Jason stated firmly. 

Danny smiled at the taller, still slightly unsure if to believe him or not.

"Then let's go?" Danny ask, still in a small voice.

"How 'bout we enjoy this party? I'm not supposed to be back until tomorrow anyway," Jason grinned, waving his hand a bit.

Hey guys! I know this is short, but it's also early so you can't really complain. And thanks so much for y'all's ideas! I think I know what I want to do for the next chapter or two. But do please tell if you want something to happen 'cause I could always put in. Anyways, until next time, bye!

Word Count: 604

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