Cahpter 26

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~Third POV~With Danny~

Danny slowly walked over to what is now his bed, expression displaying shock and disbelief.

"No freaking* way..." A huge grin spread across his face as looked at item on the mattress, an old, stuffed, lion called Theta, that has a new-looking green bow around its neck and a card beside the stuffy.

Danny grinned as he sat down on the bed and pulled the toy into his lap and hug it for a few moments before he picked up the plain green card and started to read it.

Hey Casper!

It's your biological brother here to give you back a piece of childhood.

Welcome to the Wayne Manor! Hope you like your room 'cause yours truly chose the furniture and stuff.

It may seem a bit chaotic but I think you'll like it here!

See you when I do, bye!

I still got Zeta if you're wondering.

Danny's smile turned to one of fondness as he put the card onto the black nightstand, kicked off his shoes, and pulled himself to the right corner of the bed before settling with his back facing the wall and Theta being held tightly in his arms.

Danny released a tired sigh into the stuffed lions fur and decided on taking a nap as it was almost four p.m. and he guessed dinner wouldn't be for another two hours or so.

~Time Skip~

"Danny, get up!" Dick shouted as he jumped onto his brother's back in greeting.

"Gef oof meh," the shorter whined, taking a pillow and putting on top of his head.

"Only if you're actually getting up. Dinner is done so we'd better hurry," Dick said as he got off his brother in favour of pulling him by his arm until Danny stood up and and rubbed his eyes with his free hand.

"If you'd stop pulling my arm, that'd be wonderful," the boy complained whilst trying to yank his arm way from his twin.

Safe to say, Danny was unsuccessful.

The older sleepily stumbled after his brother whilst trying to wake up completely.

"Just a heads up," Dick started as the two near the dinning room. "dinner is typically loud and rowdy so don't be to surprised if someone throws themselves, or someone else, over the table."

Danny didn't get a chance to respond as Dick tugged him into the dinning room and into a chair. The younger twin took the seat to the right of the other.

Danny was quiet as Alfred placed dinner onto the table and Jason, Tim, and Damian bickered with and threatened each other on the other side of the table.

Dick and Bruce were talking about when they should start with Danny's adoption process and what to do with his schooling.

Danny had interrupted them by tugging on his brother's sleeve after he realized they were talking about his schooling had said he'd been taking online classes.

It was decided that Danny would continue with the classes but, with the older twin very against it, will start school again as a senior next year.

The boy only felt slightly better after Bruce said that he'd talk to the staff about having all his classes with either Dick or Jason in them but wouldn't take no for an answer.

Dick excitedly pulled up the school's website on his phone to show his reluctant twin the electives he could choose from in the upcoming year.

The duo spent the rest of dinner talking about random stuff in their lives, or in other words, Danny let Dick ramble on about The Team, being Robin, and a bunch of other stuff while Danny listened while asking the occasional question.

Eventually, an hour or so later, everyone was done eating and Alfred gathered the plates to put in the dishwasher.

"Hey Danny. Since Jay, Tim, and B are going out tonight, do ya wanna watch a movie and see if we can get little D to join us?" Dick asked, poking his brother's shoulder.

Danny raised a single eyebrow at the nicknames but nodded his head yes nonetheless.

"Alright!" Dick grinned as he swung his arm around Danny's shoulders. "Go in the living room and put whatever you want on, I'll be right there with Damian soon," Dick said before running off after the youngest of the household.

The halfa shook his head slightly with a small smile as he went to follow his twin's instructions.

Hey guys! Been awhile, nay? Just so that you know, the vote for Dani being Danny's sister, cousin, or daughter is going on until I add her in.

Now, I'm thinking of trying to write a teen wolf fic (Sterek of course) with an asexual (because I'm trying something a bit different and I also don't feel comfortable writing sexual content) omega Stiles struggling with getting ownership of his company or something.

This is mostly a thought that's been in my head for awhile and I'd wanted to see what you guys thought of it.

Hope you guys at least kinda liked the update, it's a bit shorter than what I was going for, but I'm going to try to speed the story up a bit since we're already almost at thirty chapters.

Anyway, leave any questions, ideas, or whatever in the comments if you do which.

Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 897

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