Chapter 12

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~Danny's POV~

I let out a groan as I rolled over, slowly opening my eyes to inspect my surroundings. 

"What the heck?" I muttered upon seeing I was not in my bed, not on my works floor, and not on the streets, but in a small cage. Just bigger than one for a dog. 

I shifted slightly, the bottom of the cage highly unconformable. As I sat  up, I had to bend forwards so my head wouldn't hit the top of the cage. 

I took a peak and saw a few others also stuck in cages, some bigger, others smaller. Everyone here looked homeless or extremely poor, like me.

So whoever took me was looking for people who would not be missed. Makes since, I guess.

No one in the large, gray and brown room, looked older than twenty four. 

The cages seemed to go boy girl. I cautiously moved my left arm, it feeling only slightly better, but still pretty painful.

I might have enough energy to get myself out, but what about everyone else? I may not even make it out. 

I looked to the right of me and saw an unconscious female with pale, long, red hair. Her small frame stuck in a just barely bigger cage. The girl looked about sixteen or seventeen.

To my left was another girl. She has short light blue hair with dark green eyes. She seemed to be a bit to big for the small cage she is stuffed in. She looked around the age of ten and fourteen. 

In the next row, across and in front, was a boy. He has blonde, sort, hair with green eyes. He just looked straight ahead, not moving a muscle. He looked dead, minus the small movement of the young boys chest. He looked in between eight and eleven. 

There was at least forty people in the room, half of the one I could see are unconscious, or, hopefully not, dead...

I moved my legs a bit to prevent them from falling asleep, but ended up grunting in pain midway and had to just deal with the uncomfortable position. 

A few minutes later, a group of five people dressed in a mix of dark colors and masks walked into the row of cages. They were pushing a cart with food on it, giving the food to the captured individuals.

When they reached my cage, a girl in dark red and black tossed some gray goop on a paper plate into the room.

Around me, I saw the others either eating slowly, or consuming it like they are in some kind of eating contest. 

I don't think I'm going to eat it. 

I didn't even get a fork or spoon.

I'll just starve like I usually do.

The girl to my left looked over to my untouched plate, hers already gone.

"You should eat that, you'll get in trouble if you don't..." The girl muttered quietly, as if afraid to talk.

"Trade me plates." I replied simply. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me like I'm crazy.

"No! You should eat that. You never know when they'll feed you next!" The girl whisper yelled, looking for anyone who may have heard her talking after.

"Well I'm not eating. You do want it, or not." I replied, raising a brow.

She then nodded her head eagerly, passing her plate through the bars.

I folded my plate so it could also fit in between the bars and passed it over to the girl.

I took the plate she gave me and put it at the front of the cage as to look like I had eaten it.

"Thank you!" The blue haired girl smiled, staying quiet.

I gave her a polite smile before turning away.

So now what?

Hey guys! this is the last time I'm going to ask you to vote, so please hurry! You'll find out he results in the next chapter! Thanks for reading and hope you liked the chapter. Each comment counts as a vote;

Should Danny, Dick or the Bats show their alter ego first?

- 2 Danny - 1 Dick - 1 Bats

Should Dani be Danny's sibling, cousin, or child?

- 3 Sister - 1 Cousin - 9 Daughter

Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 712

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