Chapter 19

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~Danny's POV~

"So, where am I anyway?" I asked, looking around the room. And when can I leave before something happens to you guys because of me?

"Well..." Dick started, looking towards Bruce, Tim, Damian, and Jason before I got my answer.

"You're in the Bat-Cave's medbay." Bruce said with a straight face.

My eyes widened as I quickly sat up to look around, although imminently regretting my decision. 

"Ow!' I cried out, sitting back down. Dick started laughing at me to which I shot him a pain filled glare. 

"Y'all are pulling my leg, right?" I gave the four of them a skeptical look. 

"No we're not! I'll even give you proof!" Dick shouted, getting up and running off.

"I hate it when he gets this excited..." Jason mumbles.

"Agreed." The two youngest in the room said simultaneously, although they all had very, very, faint smiles on their faces. 

Dick came bounding back into the room almost as quickly as he left. He was carrying some folded clothes under one arm with a shiz* eating grin on his face. 

"Here! Proof!" Dick then unfolded the clothing and held it by the shoulders revealing a very familiar costume. 

"So... you're not lying...?" I ask slowly, still trying to comprehend the fact that my younger brother goes out in his childhood nickname to fight crime. 

"Unless you're an idiot, then you'd know the answer by now." The youngest, Damian, spoke up. I puffed out my right cheek at him before sticking my tongue out. The youngest clicked his tongue and turned his head. 

Almost immediately after I put my tongue back in my mouth, Alfred came back with a platter which is holding a bowl of hot soup.

"I presume Master Danny will be staying with us for the foreseeable future?" Alfred asked with a heavy British accent while passing the tray of food to Dick.

"Yes he is, Alfred." Bruce replied.

I tried to grab the bowl from my brother, but he pulled it back and out of my, pain-free, reach.

"Shall I prepare a room for Master Danny?"

I puffed out my cheek because A.) Dick is trying to feed me, and B.) they expect me to stay here.

"Please?" Bruce told the older man to which whom walked off.

"Just eat it!" Dick commanded me, shoving the spoon in my face.

"That's what she said." Jason commented.

I gave him a raised eyebrow.

"Rea-" I was cut off by a certain someone putting a hot liquid onto my mouth hole.

I quickly tried to do a mix swallowing the burning soup, and spitting it out while fanning my mouth.

"OW! That was hot!" I smacked my young brothers arm.

Bruce sighed, seemingly used to this, and got up.

"I trust you can take care of him?" Bruce looked at Dick while I'm still here fanning my burning mouth.

Oh, look! I can't feel my tongue anymore. Joy!

Dick gave a nod.

Jason was laughing, Tim was trying not to laugh, and Damian just clicked his tongue at my misery.

Bruce walked out of the room as Dick picked the bowl back up.

"It's not even that hot!" Dick exclaimed, putting some of the liquid and noodles in his mouth. I gave him a weird look as Dick tried to give me more.

"You put that in your mouth." I told him with a bland look and hand blocking the spoon.

"We have the same germs! Jay, Tim, Dami! Help me hold him down!"

The youngest reluctantly went to help his older brothers hold me down as I tried to get up.

"Let me g-" A spoon penetrated my mouth.

I swallowed the noodles and kept a good bite on the spoon itself. They can't feed me if they can't get the spoon.

"Danny," Dick started with an even and clam voice. "Let go of the spoon."

This time, both Tim and Jason burst out laughing from either side of me where they're holding my arms.

"Nuh um!" I bit the spoon harder to the point it started to bend.

"Danny, you're about to break the utensil." I didn't let up. "Damian! Get his underarms!"


Damian mad a face but did as told.

As he tickled me, I bite down on the spoon as hard as I could, snapping in two as to keep from laughing.

"Wha?" Tim took the handle of the spoon out of my mouth, realising one of my arms.

"Danny!" Dick shouted at me as I took the spoon's bottom half out of my mouth.

"How'd he break the spoon? Does it have somethin to do with the transformation earlier?" Jason asked, Dick and Tim giving him panicked looks.

Me, though? Well, let's just say I ain't wanting to stay here any longer.

Hey guys! Since some of ya were asking for a new chapter, here ya go! Quietly sings Happy Birthday to myself because non of my friends remembered... Any else got a birthday today(09-19)? Until next time, bye!

Word Count: 843

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