Chapter 29

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Final tally says Conner stays!

~Third POV~With Danny~

"No! No! No! Not like that! Watch me, alright," Danny halted his twin before he could hurt himself.

"You need to not put to much energy or you'll go flying into the trees again," he instructed, forcing his life force energy to lift him up into the air a foot.

"And give me your hand so if you do end up flying off somewhere, I won't have to look for you again," Danny held out an expectant hand.

Dick looked like he was going to resist before he held the other's hand.

"Fine," he muttered.

"Now try again."

Dick did try. He really did. But he managed to shoot them both into a tree.

Danny sighed and rubbed his face before pushing Dick off of him so he could get up.

"On second thought, I'm going to get a rope and the your ankle to a large tree trunk," Danny said, brushing his clothes off.

Dick laughed good heartedly.

"That may actually for the best."

"Well then it's good I had the foresight to grab one then, huh?" Danny grinned as he pull a thick red rope out of the backpack that also has food along with drinks stored in it.

"Wait what?!" Dick stared wide eyed at the rope.

"I have been informed by other ghosts, and mythical beings who ended up in the Ghost Zone, that most take awhile before they have enough control over their abilities to use them well on most planets, including earth, compared to the Zone. The Zone is made for us to spend our life after deaths in and thrive. So I figured I should bring precaution, i.e. this rope," Danny held and end of the red rope to Dick with a grin.

Dick pouted but let Danny double knot the rope around his ankle.

"Now try again," the older boy commanded.

Dick shot up into the air and then was yanked back down by Danny pulling on the rope only to end up in his back. The

"This is going to be fun," Danny grinned.

~Time Skip An Hour~,

"Alright, I think that's enough of you trying to be a rocket," Danny laughed as he stopped his brother from attempting to go again.

"If you call me a rocket one more time, I'm going to hit you," Dick glared.

"Yeah, but the person that's trying to teach you that isn't by touch and go," Danny rolled his eyes and tossed Dick a red Gatorade. "Although you're doing pretty well considering you refused your ghost side for so long."

"What do you mean by that? Is it supposed to be easier?"

"Yeah," Danny looked over to his taller sibling. "I once wanted to test something so I went around a month of not using of not using my ghost side, which was not easy with all that was coming out of the portal, before trying an new ability and it was plenty more difficult than when I learned other's. Not to mention my powers were a bit finicky for the next couple days. I think our ghost halfs are kinda like muscles as if theyre not used often it can make it more difficult to do a lot of actions. You neglected your ghost half so much that's it's difficult to know how much energy to put into what, and so on," Danny tried to explain.

"I think I get it," Dick muttered although his face clearly showed he was confused.

"Alright, how about we take a break and move onto something more important?" Danny asked after a few minutes of silence. The

"Sure, but what would that be?"

"Turning into your ghost half and maybe shifting your body shape and clothing, what else?"

"You can shape shift?!" Dick asked eagerly and looked slightly awed.

"Well..." Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "I know that most humanoid ghost can usually at least be able to change their size and shape of their bodies, for us I mean when we're in ghost form, I don't know if either of us will be able to do it as humans. I hadn't got much of a chance to try it before I... left. So I wanted to give it a try, and since you're here, I figured we could give it an attempt together."

Hey guys! It's been a long, long, time, nay. Anyway I'm probably going to need everyone to yell at me to update after a week or two. I do have a question though. Do you think I should hurry the story up to get to yj/ DannyxConner stuff, or are you alright with this slower rate of the story? Do answer honestly, please! I apologize that this is short but I'm kinda in need for ideas and am working on it. Ish... Until next time, bye!

Word count: 817

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