Chapter 17

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~Robin's POV~

"Rob! That's not fair! You so cheated!" My obnoxiously loud boyfriend shouted after I killed his character for the eight time in the row.

"Now, now, my dear Wallace. I is not of my fault that you are unable to beat moi." I replied with a smirk and jabbing my right thumb to my chest.

"No, you hacked the game somehow! Cheater!" Wally continued with a pout making it's way onto his face.

"Well, this 'cheater' is going to get something to eat. You coming?" I asked, adjusting my sunglasses. 

"Heck yeah I am!" The red head shouted, getting off the couch and running to the kitchen.

"I'm starting to think you like food over me." I joked as I walked into the kitchen to see Wally stuffing his face with some brownies Miss M made. She had decided to take a break from cookies and try something else.

"Nuh-waw! I wike ya booth ta 'ame." The speedster replied with at least three brownies stuffed into his mouth.

"Sure ya do, Walls." I sighed with a slight smile and started walking over the the fridge. 

"But it's true! I love the both of you the same!" The older boy cried, wrapping his arms around my neck.

I ignored him and grabbed the jelly for my PB&J.

"Stop ignoring me!" Wally whined, removing his arms from my throat. 

"After I make my sandwich, I'll think about it." I opened a cabinet and took out the jar of peanut butter then placed it by the jelly on the counter. I turned around to get a butter knife, certain speeding meta grabbed onto my shoulders.

"Fine, fine." I laughed at Wally's pout. Walls is about two or three inches taller than me so I have to look up at him a tad bit.

I reached up and gave the man a kiss on the cheek, then went to get the knife.

I heard Wally huff as I stopped paying attention to him once more in favor of some food.

Danny's been knocked out for a bit over a week now. He's woken up for brief moments in which he'd mutter something that I, nor my family, could make out what Danny has been saying, but he also would sometimes scream or start panting heavily as if he had just ran a marathon. 

Alfred said Danny should wake up before the next week or two.

Today is Saturday and my brothers, along with Alfred and Bruce, chased me out saying, 'You need to take your mind off of him for awhile. Danny'll be fine.' Then, Jason and Tim pulled me into the zeta tubes and sent me off while Bruce made sure I couldn't leave until 18:00, at earliest. 

I was hacking back into the system until Wally and Megan came over talking about some random stuff. Conner was, and still is, outside with Wolf and Sphere. Zatanna and Artemis were having some 'girl time' as they put it. Megan was baking the brownies so she didn't go until they were done in the oven. 

Wally got me to play some game with him for a few hours, and now, here we are.

"Just let me make and eat my food, then you can go put on what ever game or movie you want. K, Walls?" I bargained. 

The ginger quickly nodded, kissed my forehead, and ran off to the living area. 

I chuckled and finished making my sandwich and joined Wally on the couch. 

"So, which movie?" I asked, seeing that Walls only had one controller so that meant that he didn't have a game in.

"Deadpool!" Wally cheered as the screen started playing the movie.

"First one, right?" 


Walls then swung an arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards his side.

"You are aware that this is more of an action movie than a romance, right?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Your point?" The older replied.

I shook my head and sighed before taking a bite of my sandwich.

Wally leaned on me, making me slouch, after a few minutes. 

"Get off me, you big oaf!" I giggled, pushing my lover lightly.

"Don't wanna." Wally said and began to pepper my face with kisses. 

"Stooop it!" I whined, still laughing.

"I haven't finished eating eat, Walls." 

Wally pulled back and kissed my lips, before pulling away, huffing.

"It's your fault for ignoring me." Wally complained. "Plus, I missed you, Dick. It's been a while since you last came over." 

"I'll try to come over more often, then. But, you know, you could just come over." I told the green eyed boy.

"Yeah, but the Demon and Batman are after my head every time I get to close to you!" Wally whined, pulling me closer.

"What is it with you and whining today?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Shut up and watch the movie."

Hey guys! Some BirdFlash while I make you all await Danny's awaking! Okay, ya ya, I know, I know. You want to see more of Danny. Well, guess you'll just have to wait! Sorry if they seem a little to OOC. Anyway, until next time, bye! 

Word Count: 836

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