Chapter 6

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~Danny's Pov~

I am currently walking up, or more like being pulled up by an overly excited brother, the drive way to the Wayne manor. 

And in case you're wondering why none of this people are taking notice of how skinny I am or the scars on me, that's because over the time I got away from the GIW, I learned how to control small amounts of ecto-energy to make myself look healthier, even if only slightly. This does not count towards my weight though, as ecto-energy ways next to nothing. I also only us this trick while I'm out as it does eat away at my energy, as it's my body that is creating what I am using. 

Something just accorded to me. 

I'm supposed to be missing for the last two-ish years.

What am I supposed to do if they ask about that.

What am I going to do if they ask why I'm in Gotham.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the front door was opened by a British butler. 

"Master Dick, who is this young man that you have," He paused for a second. "dragged home?"

Dick pouted before his face erupted into a huge grin. "Thi-" He was about to answer when Jason cut him sort. 

"His name's Danny. 'Parently, he's Dickhead's older brother." 

"Hey! I wanted to introduce him!" Dick pouted at his younger, adoptive, brother.

I just smiled up sheepishly, giving the elderly man a small wave with my left hand as my younger sibling still had a grip on my right.

"Well, Mister Daniel, I presume, welcome to the Wayne manor." The butler then stepped to the side, opening the door the rest of the way.

"Just Danny please..." I mumbled, being shy of meeting, let alone talking, to people from the past few years. 

"Of course, Mister Danny."

Dick then pulled me inside after his brothers.

He led me to a large living room. It had a T.V. that was, probably around one hundred and twenty inches mounted on the wall. If that wasn't enough, they have just about every gaming console I can think of! There were also two, big, black couches placed a fair distance away from the screen. In front of the couches, a long, wooden, coffee table with a glass top. A blue rug lad under the table. The walls were a nice shade of red with the floors a dark brown wood style. Under the T.V. was a brick fire place with clear doors. On the walls are portraits of each individual person that resides here, a couple family portraits with one of the boys with Bruce or Alfred, and a few with just the boys. 

Dick led me over to the couches in my daze.

"So, Danny," Dick started as he plopped down next to me, the other three finding spots themselves, seemingly interested in the conversation about to start. "tell me about yourself. I mean, it's been around nine years!" The taller grinned down at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He has always liked to hang on people, even just to annoy them.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I asked, not completely sure what to talk about.

"Well, how about your adoptive family," I winced a little, but it went seemingly noticed. Or, at least, I think it did. "friends, school, favorite color, if you ha-" Dick was cut off by Damian.

"Younger Grayson," He started, seemingly unsure if to call him 'Grayson' or 'Younger Grayson' since I'm here. "You ask to many questions and you're making this imbecile over here do overtime by trying to keep up." The child said, pointing to the slightly taller child.

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