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"Jeno?" Jeno stirrs around in his sleep and pulls the covers over his head.
"Jeno" the voice says as a pair of warm hands rest themselves on his back and shake him a little. With a small groan he rolls over to look at his sister, his eyes barely open.

He knew he shouldn't have let her stay over whilst her girlfriend was out of town, all she has been is a complete nightmare.

"What?" His voice was muffled by the soft pillows as he spoke.

"I-I think there's someone in the house" she whispers and Jeno only laughs as he lets himself snuggle deeper into the covers of his bed.

"Yeri, your probably just dreaming, go back to sleep" he says before letting his eyelids flutters shut once more.

However, Yeri was still stood over him, her arms crossed over her chest "Jeno I'm not dreaming there is someone here. Do you have a boyfriend I don't know about?"

Jeno laughs once again but doesn't open his eyes "you say that like I'm not the most single human being to exist".
He pulls the covers back over his face, loving the warmth that they provided. "Go back to bed or I'll kick you out the house".

He hears her sigh and her footsteps towards the door until there is a loud crash from downstairs and Jeno shoots up in the bed. Yeri turns and sprints towards Jeno, jumping onto the bed and wrapping her arms around him.

"I told you I wasn't dreaming" her voice was barely a whisper, afraid of speaking too loud.

Jeno thinks for a moment before pushing his sister off him and getting out of bed. "What are you doing, call the damn police" she hisses but Jeno just waves her off.

He opens up his closet and rummages around for a while until he finds the old signed baseball bat that he had gotten for his eleventh birthday. "You stay here, I'll be right back" he says only to earn a small nod from the terrified girl.

Slowly he pushes the bedroom door open and peaks around the corner. Everything seemed so quiet.
Carefully he creeps down the staircase, cringing every time the floor creaked under his feet.

He flicks on the living room light and his eyes scan the room. Once he deemed it empty he turns the light back out and makes his way to the kitchen.

His eyes go straight to a black shape on the floor that becomes clear when the light is on. He almost laughs at how stupid he was.
A plate was smashed, shards of pot scattered across the wood flooring. It must have fallen off the counter.

Carefully, he cleans up the mess before jogging back up the stairs and moving into his room. "There's no one here, a plate fell off the counter that's all" he says as he throws the bat back into his closet.

Yeri lets out a sigh of relief as she watches Jeno climb back into bed.
"Can I sleep with you tonight? I still feel a little scared" she mumbles, looking down at her hands a little embarrassed of admitting she was frightened. She knew Jeno would tease her for this in the morning.

They hadn't shared a bed since they were six years old so Jeno was a little shocked but nodded nonetheless "sure".
He lays down and turns onto his side "goodnight noona" his voice was thick with sleep by now.

"Goodnight Jeno" she shuffles around for a while trying to get comfortable. Once she had found a position she liked she let out a content sigh, her eyes seemed to stay open for a while staring at the wall in front of her. Soon she lets them drift towards the door and her heart instantly stopped.

"Jeno?" She whispers only to earn a mumble in response.
"Don't freak out but there's someone stood in your doorway".

Calmly and slowly he rolls over and lets his eyes linger on the dark doorway of the room where you could vaguely see an outline of a figure, it's dark shadow spread across the floor in front of it.

The figure didn't look like it had spotted them yet so Jeno grabs his phone and slips under the covers bringing it to his ear.
"Hello, there's someone in my house..." he whispers as quietly as he could. "...please send help".
The police explain that they have sent someone but Jeno wasn't really listening, he was on edge. He ends the call and pulls his head back above the covers only to see that the figure now stood over their bed.

"J-Jeno" Yeri silently sobs, her body frozen with fear.

He quickly grabs his bedside lamp and makes a swing for the mans head only for him to duck out of the way causing the lamp to go smashing to the ground.

The stranger grabs Yeri's arm and pulls her up, she lets out a few whimpers and shuts her eyes tightly, bracing herself for any pain.

Jeno could see something glittering in the mans hand and his eyes instantly go wide. He throws himself forward to try and take the knife only for the sharp metal to be buried in his thigh. He yells in pain feeling the blood start to soak into his sweatpants.

"Help-ahh!" Yeri lets out a scream as the knife is driven into her stomach causing her body to go limp. She could already feel her wrists starting to bruise from tight hold of her stranger.

The man brings the knife high above his head and Jeno quickly gets up pushing him to the ground with a loud bang.

Red and blue lights start to fill the dark room as the police pull up outside. The man pushes Jeno off him and runs out of the room probably to jump out the back window.
In that moment Jeno really didn't care. He turns to his sisters pale body and quickly holds his hand against the wound.

"Y-Yeri, I'm so s-sorry" he says, trying not let out loud sobs.

Her eyelids flutter slightly "d-did you catch him?" She mumbles, her words slurred slightly.

Jeno nods "the police will catch him" he says, although he didn't know how true that statement really was.

"Good" she breaths, letting her eyes fall closed once again.

A man bursts into the room and the light is switched on and only then did Jeno realise how much Yeri was bleeding. He had shooting pains in his left thigh too but he ignored it, there were far more important things.

"Can we get a paramedic?!" The cop yells as he rushes into the room and pulls Jeno away from his sister. "Don't worry, we'll get her to hospital right away" he says but Jeno couldn't tear his gaze away from Yeri as two paramedics tend to the wound.

"Please tell me she won't die" he finally locks eyes with the police man who gives him a small nod.

"The hospital will do everything they can" his voice was calm and Jeno just nods, taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down as he watches his sister get taken away on a stretcher.
"Can we get another paramedic, he has a stab wound to his left thigh" the man calls standing and leaving the room to let the paramedic do their job.

"I-it's just a scratch" he says but the paramedic ignores him and tends to his wound nonetheless.

Did they catch the the guy who caused all of this? Did he get away? Was Yeri going to be okay?

All these questions he wanted to ask but there were far to many things happening around him for his mouth to be able to form the correct words.

He sighs, letting a tear roll down his cheek. How did this all happen so damn fast?

A/N: so that's the first chapter guysss!
I won't update this book until my other one is completely over which should be in like a day or two.

Hope you enjoyed~♡

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now