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Jeno hated the rain with a passion. He hated it even more when it comes out of nowhere to surprise you, giving you an unwanted shower.
And since he had let Renjun give him a ride to the hospital it meant that he had to walk to the police station as he car was still there.

He was going to decline the offer of a ride, but he felt like he wanted to spend just a few more minutes with Renjun. He wasn't sure what it was but there was such a calming aura about the brunette and Jeno really liked it...a lot.

He shuffles into the reception of the police station, dripping wet, a pool of water forming behind him. He was shivering from head to toe and he wraps his arms around himself tightly.

Renjun sat, curled up in one of the chairs, a book lay open in his lap and a pair of thin framed glasses were perched on his nose. He was wearing a large hoodie and his hair looked like he had messily ran his fingers through it and let it be. He looked adorable.

The brunette lifts his gaze upon hearing the doors open and within seconds he had put his book down and was racing over to Jeno. "Oh my god your drenched, did you walk here in this storm?" Renjun asks as he pulls Jeno further into the warmth of the police station.

"Yeah" he sighs, his body still shivering.
Renjun grabs his hand and drags him along "come on lets get you dried of" he mumbles before turning the corner.

"But what about work won't they ask-"

"They've been locked in that office again all night, trust me they won't be coming out any time soon" the older boy reassures, giving Jeno a smile before opening a door on his left and pushing the younger boy inside.
"I'm sure we have some towels in here" he mumbles as he opens up a drawer and rummages through it.

The room was fairly large with a couch placed beside the window. It looked like some kind of conference room. Jeno moves closer to the glass, watching the raindrops run down it, leaving a we trail in it's wake. He could also see the stream of rainwater flowing down the road, it was as if the heavens had opened.

"Ah, come here" Renjun says, moving closer to Jeno he wraps the towel around his shoulders, rubbing him slightly to try and warm him up. "I'm pretty sure there are some spare clothes somewhere, you dry yourself off and I'll go fetch you some" with that the brunette leaves the room and a dripping wet Jeno behind.

Jeno brings the towel up slightly, drying his hair as best he could. His body was still shivering slightly but the fact that Renjun was taking care of him somehow made him feel a little warmer.

The older boy soon came back with a pair of gray sweatpants and a large black hoodie "they may be a little big on you but it's the best I could-" Renjun stops as he looks up, completely mesmerised. The way Jeno's hair was all messy and hung over his eyes, and the way his shirt clung to his toned torso "-find" he finally finished before placing the clothes on the couch and turning to the door.
"I'll let you get changed, I'll be in reception if you need me" with that Renjun leaves the room once again, his cheeks burning slightly.

Once the door had closed Jeno peels off his we clothes, drying himself off before putting on the new clean ones. Renjun was right about them being a bit to big but he didn't mind as it added to the comfort.

He gathers up his wet clothes and leaves the room, heading for the main reception.
"Renjun I appreciate this but please tell me I'm not wearing some murders clothes you stole from evidence" Jeno mutters as he places his old clothes on the small radiator in the waiting room.

Renjun laughs from where he sat, watching Jeno as he took the seat beside him. "I promise you no criminal has ever wore those clothes".

Jeno smiles before getting comfortable on the chair "good".
A small silence settles over them until Jeno decided to speak up. "So what are they taking about?" He asks, nodding towards the office door.

Renjun sighs, his brown orbs meeting Jeno's. he looked adorable with glasses on.
"Apparently they caught something on one of the cameras, they didn't tell me much since I only take photographs, they never tell me much anyway" Renjun laughs slightly, pulling his knees up and sitting cross legged on the chair, his sweater sleeves pulled over his hands.

"They should tell you more, your just as important as they are" Jeno scoffs, his mind drifting back to the convention they had shared at the coffee shop.

"Thanks" he mutters, looking down to hide his tinted cheeks, but Jeno saw and he thought it added to Renjun's already incredibly high level of cuteness.

The younger boy watched as Renjun reaches up and pushes his glasses back up his nose slightly.
Was it bad that Jeno was totally checking out a guy when he was supposed to be helping out on a potential murder case?

He quickly shook the thought away, he needed to focus on the case not Renjun. No matter how adorable Jeno found the photographer.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now