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Renjun pulls out his keys from his jacket pocket and unlocks the darkroom before stepping in and motioning for Jeno to follow.
The dim red lights cast shadows across their faces as they move further into the room.

"You use a darkroom?" Jeno asks with a small grin. Usually people just developed photos digitally as it was much quicker.

"I think the photographs look better done old school" Renjun smirks a little before removing the roll of film from his camera.

All around the room were photographs hung from what looked like a washing line, held in place with small wooden pegs. Everywhere you looked there were photos hung up.

Subconsciously Jeno moves closer to one photo and could make out a field of wild flowers and in the middle stood a boy with light hair. He looked like he was laughing at something.
"Were all of these for crimes?" Jeno asks not being sure how a picture like this could be related to a crime.

"No, I use this room for my personal photos too" Renjun replies as he lays a piece of photo paper in a tray "oh but don't tell Jaehyun or Donghyuck, it's a secret" he smiles over at Jeno slightly, the dim light causing his eyes to sparkle.

"Your secrets safe with me" the younger boy smiles back before focusing on the photo once again "who's the boy?" The question falls from his lips before he could stop it.

Renjun stops what he's doing and moves to Jeno's side, also examining the picture. "That's Jaemin, my best friend, he likes to pretend he's a model sometimes" the brunette laughs a little before moving back over to where he was working previously.

"Your very talented" Jeno compliments as he suddenly takes an interest in what Renjun is doing. He watches as he pokes the paper slightly with what Jeno thought looked like a stick although he was sure it had a real name.
"I've always seen these kinds of rooms in movies, they always look creepy but it's actually kind of nice in here" Jeno leans against the table a little hearing a small laugh from the older boy.

"It's probably just because it's quiet" his eyes focus on developing the photo as he spoke.
Jeno watches as he carefully lifts the paper out of the tray and hung it up on the line along with a dozen others.

"Nah I think it's because your here" the words seemed to come out before Jeno even knew what he was saying but he didn't regret it.

Renjun freezes slightly hoping that the younger boy couldn't see the slight blush in the dimness of the room. He laughs nervously as he moves onto the next photograph "you start to get a headache after a while because your eyes strain in the red light" he quickly avoided what Jeno had said, not wanting to make the situation awkward.

"How long do you stay in here?" The dark haired boy decides to wander around a little, looking at more photos that were hung up. Some photos being of Renjun and his friends or beautiful sunsets, others of crime scenes and murder weapons. Jeno cringes slightly knowing that the pictures of his house would be in here somewhere.

"Usually and hour or so, or whenever I start to run out of space on the lines" Renjun replies as he points at the lines of photos stung around the room like bunting.

He hung up another photograph before looking over at Jeno, he didn't want to keep him in here for too long, it would probably be rather boring for him.
"Do you want a lift home?" He asks causing Jeno to turn slightly with a raised brow.


"Yeah, it's been a long day and it's getting late, I doubt Jaehyun has anything else for us to do" Renjun shrugs as he stuffs his camera into his satchel and swings it over his shoulder.

"Um, yeah okay, thanks" Jeno pushes himself off the table he was leant against and follows the brunette out of the room, squinting slightly at the bright light of the hallway.

Once Renjun had locked the door they both head out towards the older boys car.
They both hopped in and as Renjun went to start the engine Jeno quickly puts his hand on Renjun's arm causing him to tense.

"Actually...would you be able to take me to the hospital? My parents can take me home from there" his voice was quiet as he spoke but Renjun heard him clearly enough.

He smiles sadly and nods "of course I can" his eyes meet Jeno's and the younger boy smiles back gratefully before pulling his hand away and letting the brunette begin to drive.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now