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At some point Jeno must have let himself fall asleep too, but luckily he woke up before Renjun did.

Renjun had his head laid in Jeno's lap, still sleeping soundly. Jeno wasn't sure when the older boy had shifted into that position but he didn't mind it.

Suddenly the office door opens and out comes a very exhausted looking Donghyuck. He too wasn't wearing his usual dresspants and shirt but wore jeans and a jumper much like Jeno.

The redhead looks over at Jeno and then glances down at the sleeping Renjun.
Only now remembering that he was supposed to wake Renjun up if they were needed he quickly shook the older boy awake.

Renjun sat up and stretched before his tired eyes opened fully and he spotted Donghyuck.
The brunette stumbles to his feet, waiting for any kind of information on the case. Of course Jeno was also eager to know.

"Why'd you call him?" Donghyuck asks and Jeno suddenly felt out of place once again.

"He works on the case too remember, it's only right for him to be included" the brunette says and Jeno felt like he could hug Renjun.

"Whatever, come with me" Donghyuck says before turning and heading back into the office. Renjun turns to look at Jeno, waiting for him to stand and follow him.

They gently close the door and are instantly told to take a seat by Jaehyun.

"I'm sorry to keep you both waiting for so long, but we have some good news" Jaehyun says and they both seem to perk up slightly.

Jeno glances at the small clock on the wall to see that it was now six in the morning. Damn they had been waiting a while.

"We think we are able to track the man who broke into your house and attacked your sister"
The words made Jeno feel like he was going to cry with relief.

"It won't be easy but turns out the witness description you gave matches three other witness descriptions from two completely different cases, therefore suggesting all these crimes have been committed by this one person" Donghyuck explains and Jeno's heart sinks slightly. So Yeri wasn't the only victim.

"One of the cases was murder, the second is attempted murder...meaning your case has now also been labelled attempted murder" Jaehyun says as he flics through a bit of paperwork on his desk.

Jeno felt sick to the stomach. This man had attacked his sister with the aim of murder. How disgusting and twisted could someone be.

"But because he has committed other crimes, it will make it easier to catch him." Jaehyun finishes and Jeno only nods, not being able to form the correct words at the moment.

"Okay! So things that link these crimes are, he always aims for younger people, and I say people because he doesn't have a preferred gender. The second one is that he always allows one witness. For instance in your case, you were the only witness..." Donghyuck says nodding towards the pale looking Jeno.

"... and the last thing is that he always seems to break into houses, and they all seem to be in the same area" he finishes, the new silence of the room felt deafening.

"So what do we do?" Renjun's soft voice speaks up, the room now feeling a little nicer than before.

"We rig Jeno's neighbourhood and the surrounding neighbourhoods with cameras, but we must be subtle, if he knows we're planting cameras he may aim elsewhere". Jaehyun places all of the papers into a folder and locks it in his desk to keep the documents private.
"And then we must wait until he stikes again. Hopefully it won't be too long, his last crimes were committed last month so he seems to be fairly quick".

Was it even safe for Jeno to return to his home once forensics had left. If this murder was constantly committing crimes in that area surly Jeno would be in danger. But then again, no one is stupid enough to aim for the same house twice...right?

"We'll spend today hanging the cameras up, we need to catch this guy before he can hurt or kill someone else" Jaehyun's voice was full of determination and Jeno suddenly felt extremely confident that they were going to hunt this monster down.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now