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Jeno walks through the front door of his parents house, he knew they were still awake as he had seen the lights were still on.
The smile on his lips didn't shift from his face as he makes his way into the kitchen.

His parents sat at the table, Yeri sat with them. The smile slowly falls from his lips when he sees their expressions. His mother looks down, obviously not wanting to look at him, his father looked concerned and Yeri looked almost angry.
"What's wrong?" He asks, his voice slicing through the silence like a blade.

Yeri glances at their parents before scoffing slightly "Jeno sit down" she says sternly and he did as told, his sister wasn't someone you wanted to mess with when angry. "So..." she begins, taking one last look towards their parents before her eyes lock with Jeno's once again "forensic are finished with your house".

Jeno slumps slightly, his eyebrows furrow with confusion "okay, and?" He didn't see the problem with that. It was actually rather relieving, he loved his parents but they annoyed the hell out of him sometimes and they were always so damn controlling.

"Mum and dad don't want you to move back" Yeri's tone turns cold once again and Jeno could feel his own wave of frustration bubbling inside of him. One thought playing in his mind 'not again'.

"Why?" His gaze now shifts to his parents, a glare in his eye. He had a feeling that something like this would happen, that his parents wouldn't think it would be safe for him to move back into his old house.

"We think the suspect may come back" his mother mutters, her eyes lifting for a heartbeat of a second before darting back to the table in front of her. His father doesn't say a word.

Now it was Jeno's turn to scoff, shaking his head "do you really think that's going to happen?".

"It could" his father finally speaks up causing Jeno to whip his head around to glare at him. "We don't want you moving back into that house"

"I'm twenty years old, you can't tell me where I can and can't go" Jeno was trying to stay calm. He had been through this before. The whole reason he had moved out in the first place is because his parents treat him like a ten year old that knows nothing. Him and Yeri were always being told what to do up until they reached the age of eighteen when they could legally leave and buy a place where they made their own rules. Jeno and Yeri lived together for six months until Yeri decided to move in with her girlfriend.

Jeno knew that his parents were going to use this whole attempted murder incident as an excuse to order them around.

"Look..." Yeri speaks up, leaning against the table slightly. "...I understand that you are just worried about Jeno, but he could buy a whole new house and the exact same thing could happen again. Heck, I could go back to my house and it could happen again, but we can't live life being constantly scared of the unknown" she explains but their parents expressions don't change.

"That was a lovely little speech, but we would be bad parents if we sent our son back to a house that a murder had broke into." His mother snaps.

Yeri sighs before looking over at her brother "I've been trying to convince them for like two hours now".

A silence settles over the table before Jeno stands from his seat and runs up the stairs, bursting into his old room. He quickly grabs his duffle bag and starts to shove his clothes into it. After checking over the room to make sure he hadn't missed anything he moves into the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush, toothpaste and a few lotions he had brought with him before zipping the bag closed and jogging back down the stairs.

"Forensics are definitely finished?" He asks from the hallway earning a nod and a smile from Yeri. "See yah!" With that he opens the front door and runs to his car, he could hear his parents arguing from outside but he ignored it.

This is exactly what had happened the night Jeno invited Renjun to the movies. His parents had started arguing because Jeno wouldn't 'do as he was told'. Last time he had no where else to go, but this time he had his focus set on getting back to his old house.

A sudden wave of home sickness washes over him at the thought and he quickly turns the engine on before pulling out of the driveway.

A/N: This was short and kinda boring I know, I'm sorry.
BUT! My oneshot book is up now if you wanna check it out.

Thanks for reading!~♡

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now