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Finally it was the weekend. Renjun usually got Sundays off work, unless something serious happens he gets to stay in his pyjamas, sit in front of the tv with a tub of ice cream and let himself become a victim of daytime television.

"Ew Jun your such a slob" Jaemin mutters, trudging out of his room whilst rubbing sleep from his tired eyes. It was currently two in the afternoon and it was obvious Jaemin had just woken up, yet Renjun was the slob?

"Hey I work hard and earn a living, I deserve a day to laze around and be a slob. You get to laze around all the time" Renjun snaps back before shoving a spoonful of vanilla ice cream into his mouth.

"Wha- no I don't! I'm a full time university student thank you very much" the younger boy grabs a cushion and whacks Renjun over the head with it.

"Full time my ass, you only go in when you classes" his eyes were still glued to the tv screen as he spoke, unlike Jaemin he wasn't as easy to wind up.

"What the fuck! No I do-"

"Shhhh" Renjun turns towards his best friend, a finger pressed against his lips "what did you just say?"

"Well I was gonna say-"

"Nonono! Before that" Renjun puts on his best serious face watching the confusion cloud Jaemin's features.


Renjun stretches his body out on the couch his eyes going back to the large screen "I'd love a coffee thanks for asking" he tries to hide his smirk with another big spoon full of ice cream as he hears Jaemin sigh.

"I seriously hate you sometimes you know" with that he shuffles into the kitchen area and flicks the switch of the kettle anyway.

"I love you too!" The brunette shouts, hugging his tub of ice cream like his life depended on it.

As Jaemin came back into the room and placed two steaming mugs of coffee onto the coffee table he picks up Renjun's legs, moving them so he could sit down. He groans slightly when Renjun only stretched his legs over the younger boys lap, allowing himself to get comfortable again.

They were both watching an episode of criminal minds (ironic ikr ;)) and the suspense was killing them. Both boys were sat on the edge of the sofa, eyes glued to the screen as they pieced together the clues that would lead them to the murder.

The suspense was ruined however when the sound of Renjun's ringtone booms through the room. Jaemin snatches the phone before the brunette could pick it up, reading the caller ID.

"Ohh, whose Jeno?" He smirks evilly before answering the call and placing the phone to his ear.
Renjun practically pounces onto his best friend, trying to reach for the phone but the younger boy kept moving it out of reach.

"Hello?" His tone was flirty as he spoke, one hand outstretched to keep Renjun back.

"Um, is Renjun there?"

"Oh I'm sorry but-"

Before Jaemin could finish the sentence he had been pushed to the ground, the brunette sat on top of him, his legs either side of him.

"Hey, I'm here sorry about that. Is everything okay?" He asks, slapping Jaemin's waving arms away.

"Everything's good I was just wondering if you would like to hang out, yano, like go to the movies or something"

Was this a date? It definitely sounded like a date.

"Sure, I'll meet you outside the movie theatre at three?" He says, now pressing his palm over Jaemin's mouth, cringing when the younger boy licked it.

"Okay, see you then"

And with that, he ends the call, quickly pulling his hand away and wiping it on Jaemin's shirt "your so gross".
He pushes himself off the younger boy and wanders towards his bedroom door.

"Who the heckin hell is Jeno" Jaemin asks, one brow raised and a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

Renjun rolls his eyes "just this guy whose working on a case with me". He mentally prepared himself for the long stream of questions that were about to come.

"Is he cute?"

"I guess"

"Is he single?"

"As far as I know"

"Is he gay?"

"Definitely not" Renjun turns on his heel, ready to head back into his room but is stopped yet again.

"What makes you so sure?" Jaemin crosses his arms over his chest as he looks his best friend up and down.

"Trust me, a guy with a face as lovely as his is definitely not gay" the brunette says finally before rushing into his room and slamming the door.

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now