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"Renjun!" Jeno yells as he shuffles closer to the brunette that was currently preoccupied with changing the lenses on his camera. He looks up and gives him a smile, happy to see that Jeno was in a better mood than yesterday.
"Do you have plans tonight?"

"Not that I know of" Renjun muttered as he gently placed one of the glass lenses in it's case.

"Well you do now, I'm taking you on a date"
Renjun looks up a little shocked. He definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Really?" Jeno nods before placing a small kiss to Renjun's cheek causing the older boy to blush a slight crimson colour.
"Any particular reasoning?" The smile on his lips could be heard as he spoke. He tried his best to focus on what he had been doing before hand.

"Do I need a reason? Your my boyfriend and we haven't been on a date yet so I want to take you out"
Renjun's smile grows and he finally forgets about what he was doing. How could he try and focus when Jeno was sat right next to him, you can't ignore a beautiful face like Jeno's it's impossible.

"We've been on dates before" he says and Jeno slumped slightly.
"Like that time we went to the movies and I got scared shitless, oh and the stargazing trip"

"They weren't dates. We weren't together then. Please Junnie let me take you out" Jeno begged and Renjun smiles at the nickname.

"Okay, were are we going?" He takes Jeno's hand in his own and plays with his fingers slightly.

"You'll just have to find out. I'll pick you up at six" with that Jeno stands and walks away.

"But-" before Renjun could get his words out, Jeno had already left.
The brunette sighs and picks the camera lenses back up, not being able to wipe the small smile from his lips.


Jeno pulls up outside of Renjun's apartment building and instantly sees the brunette run over to the car and hop in the passenger side. "Hey" he smiles, reaching over and placing a lingering kiss to Jeno's lips. "So, where are we going?"

Jeno laughs at how desperate the older boy was to find out what the date was. "You like laser tag?" He asks and watches as Renjun's face lights up.

"Omigod! Jeno I haven't played laser tag since I was like seventeen!" He beams, his hand pushing back his hair that had flopped forward.

"We're having food first" Jeno says as he turns the key and starts the engine and drives off down the road. Renjun moves his hand to rest on Jeno's knee and the younger boy tries to not let it distract him.

"What food?"


"Your the best" Renjun laughs a little, his eyes lingering on Jeno as he drives.
Renjun was a little reluctant to go on the date as he didn't want to leave Jaemin alone. He literally had to fight with his roommate for him to invite Jisung around. But now he knew Jaemin was safe he could enjoy his date, and enjoy being with Jeno.

The drive lasted around ten minutes before the car stops and they both get out, instantly linking their hands together before walking towards the restaurant. The smell was divine and Renjun could feel his stomach rumbling.

They both take a seat before ordering their food. "Sorry I didn't take you out on a date sooner" Jeno says and Renjun literally wanted to slap him.

"Why are you saying sorry? Jeno a lot has happened lately and a date isn't as important as...other things" Renjun assures him, sending him a smile and taking his hand on top of the table.

"Actually, Renjun I need to ask you something, and I know it's probably not the right time to ask since we're on a date but-" Jeno stops and looks down "-I just need reassurance I guess"

Renjun's heart stops and he squeezes Jeno's hand slightly "Jeno what is it?"

He takes a deep breath before speaking "I know about you and Jaemin" he rushes and Renjun frowns.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I know you use to like him" Jeno brings his eyes back up to meet Renjun's and he feels his heart sink a little.

"How? Who told you?" Renjun could feel his heart beat quicken, he didn't want Jeno to leave him because of stupid past feelings.

"Donghyuck, he told me not to tell you but, I know you spend a lot of time with Jaemin, obviously you live with him. I just want to know that nothing's going on between the two of you" he sighs and Renjun feels himself relax a little. It was kinda nice that Jeno was worried about losing him, maybe even a little jealous.

"Jeno, what I felt for Jaemin disappeared a long time ago, he knew I liked him yet he still brought guys over to our apartment. I stopped having feeling for Jaemin when I realised it would just never work. He's my best friend and I love him but that's it." He squeezes Jeno's hand once again "I like you and only you Jeno, I promise".

Jeno couldn't contain the smile that spread across his face. "Renjun I can really see myself loving you"

A/N: Laser tag will be the next chapter because it would be far too long if it was all in one.

Thanks for reading~♡

Photographs; Noren NCTWhere stories live. Discover now